The Terrible Terror turned around and dashed into the field behind them. A brightly colored field that looked a lot like...

"Chrysanthemums!" I gasped. It was an entire field of the flowers in every color.

"So, do we win?" Harald asked. Leopold bounded back to him and attached himself to his shoulder.

"Hold on, you didn't pick any of these flowers."

Harald's smirk widened. "Hiccup said whoever found the most flowers would win. He mentioned nothing about picking them."

"He's right," said Hiccup. "Harald and Leopold are the winners." He cast me an apologetic look. "Sorry, Brennda and Bolt."

I shrugged. "It happens." And they just got lucky.

Leopold made a soft noise. "Oh alright, you may go play," Harald said. The little dragon flew to the ground and ran through the field of flowers once again.

I noticed Bolt watching with interest. "Do you want to get in there?"

The Skrill took this as an invitation to bound into the field.

"Are you two going to let them play alone?" Hiccup said.

"I'm sure they'll have more fun without us," Harald said.

This time, it was my turn to smirk. "I don't think so. Let's go." I grabbed his hand and dragged him into the flowers. 

Once we were actually in the field, he had no problem running around chasing Leopold. I smiled as I watched them. They really did seem close. I remembered what Hiccup had once said about dragons sensing if someone was a good person or not. Was that why he trusted Harald right away without knowing him? I broke out of my thoughts by Bolt nudging me with his nose. I turned my attention to playing around with him in the field of beautiful flowers.

The sun just started its descent in the sky by the time I decided it was time to leave. I did not want to disturb Harald and Leopold, so I quietly exited the field with Bolt.

"Do I get to spend time with you now?"

I froze at Harald's voice right behind me. Crap. I thought I had been pretty sneaky. "What are you talking about?"

"You wanted me to spend time with everyone individually, correct? You are the only one left."

I finally turned around to look at him with raised eyebrows. "I spent time with you all day yesterday and today. That's enough."

"I'm afraid that doesn't count. I don't want anymore tests. I want to know you." He stepped closer to me until we were only a foot apart, piercing me with his green eyes.

I shivered and took a step back. "I, uh, don't want you to know me."

He took another step. "And why is that?"

I stepped away again and did not stop until my back hit a tree. "I just don't."

There was nowhere to run as he gazed down at me with an almost smug expression. "Are you afraid of me?"

"No. Don't be silly." The second I said it, I realized I did feel fear. It was just not fear in the normal sense. I was not afraid he would hurt me. It was something else.

"You're afraid to like me."

Yes, that might be it. Why? I had no idea, but I knew it was not something I could admit. "I'm not afraid. I have plenty of reasons not to like you." I pushed his chest to get him to back off, but he grabbed my hands and held them in place.

Heart of a Berserker: Trust (School of Dragons)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum