When your 69 year old frenemy roasts you

Start from the beginning

Can I into Space?: How?????

Red Army: Be Communist. Then you can fuck all.

Can I into Space?: How can you fuck everyone just because you are communist?

Spooky Scary Skeleton: u dont understand Poland. u r ace man

Spooky Scary Skeleton: if u communist everything belongs to the fucking state so technically people belong to the state to and because of equality and shit u can fuck everyone if u r communist

Red Army: Да.

Can I into Space?: Ah...

Gulag: If you have sex with someone's father because you are confused whether or not you are always talking to the same person and actually making gifts and love to only your girlfriend, not also her twin, doesn't that mean that you actually love their father and not her?

Can I into Space?: ...

Can I into Space?: But why?

Gulag: Look at it this way mein Polen, you would be confused about who you are always talking to, yes? So to find a way how to tell apart your girlfriend from her twin, you would go to their father. He knew them all their lives so he must know how to tell them apart. If you fucked with their father, something must have happened between asking and fucking. Something that made you fuck him. So, if you can't tell them apart in the first place, went to the father to ask and then fucked him, that could mean you always liked the father, not the girl, and searched for a way to be closer to him.

Spooky Scary Skeleton: that...

Can I into Space?: Maybe you are putting to much thought into this...

Gulag: Am I not allowed to?

Gulag: One of my talents is that I know how a person works. Why not use that then to analyze some stupid question on a stupid internet page?

Red Army: You simply kill twin.

Gulag: Ja. That works as well. You have to be careful not to accidentally kill your girlfriend though.

The Arepa is mine: Segundo

The Arepa is mine: "Is it bad to show hentai to my two year old son?"

Can I into Space?: YES

Spooky Scary Skeleton: NO


Gulag: So that's why Japan is the way she is.

Salsa is everywhere: ¡¡siguiente!!

Salsa is everywhere: "if i (legally) bought the Mona Lisa, would anyone be able to stop me from eating it?"

Red Army: Нет.

Gulag: Of course idiot! It's a Weltkulturerbe. If you ate it, even if you bought it, which is impossible anyway, you could still be charged for damaging it.

The Arepa is mine: "I found gay magazines in my 19 year old sons cubboard, should I go to the police or the church?"

Spooky Scary Skeleton: u saw nothing

Can I into Space?: If anything go to the church. God will forgive you for your homophobia.

Red Army: И то и другое.

Spooky Scary Skeleton: ur son is half gay???? and dating me????

Gulag: Let me explain.

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