chapter 19

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I dont. Only galactic basic. But let me try again... Hi, I'm Jude."

I reach out my hand to shake as he gets up from his spot. His green hand takes mine and it's super wet, very unusual. I give an uncomfortable smile as I stare into his big eyes.

"Kitwis, Kelko Kitwis, your guide. Now lets go, I have a lot of work to do so lets make this quick."

Kelko showed me around the most important parts of the base. Mainly the basics giving short rundowns of each, like the dining hall and were I was going to be sleeping. Which was in a big central bunking with other women. I got bottom bunk and a storage bin, where I put my bag. Then he lead me back to the hangers just as quickly. So much for a detailed tour.

"Now this is where you work, no funny business. I don't like someone who is lazy."

I look around at the x-wings and ships with the most puzzled look on my face. Work here? With ships?

"No, no, no, no, no , no... Work here on x-wings?! I don't know if you noticed but I wrecked one literally today. Why would they put me on repair duty?"

I grab a tool off the nearest container and wave it around to emphasize my point. He shakes his head and yanks the tool from me.

"No, you don't work on x-wing. You don't touch x-wing. You just hand me supplies and tools, I don't want your little hands touching this x-wing."

So I'm just a helper, great. I traveled across the galaxy and away from my training to hand someone tools.

"What! I'm a Jedi, not a giver? I want to help on missions stop bad people not pass you parts."

"We all have a job in the Resistance. Not everyone can fight stormtoopers, jedi~"

A random lady said from the other landing pad. She had on her fighter pilot uniform as she passed ours as she mocked me. Striding away as I felt embarrassed and dumb. I know everyone's job matters but this is not what I signed up for. I want to do things that'll help me find Ben and Rey, not keep me here at the base.

"Yeah, what she said."

Kelko agreed with the fighter pilot as he continued to gather his tools and put them in a tool box.

"But why?"

He hands me the tool box he set up as he gets ready to open up a panel on the fighter.

"They don't trust you, thats what I think. Way less risky putting you here."

At least there's one thing I like about Kelko is that he's honest, even if it hurts. I give in to my role as a handler of tools begrudgingly as I sit beside Kelko. He stayed quiet after that only asking for certain things here and there. He probably sensed my already terrible mood getting worse and worse. This Resistance is not like how Luke cracked it up to be at all. And I'm trying to send all my frustration through the force at him, even though I know it doesn't work that way.

Calling it a night, another female worker offers to walk with me to the bunks. Kelko's tour wasn't the greatest so the location really slipped my mind. So I gladly followed her out the hangar. She started idle chat about my first day, and I was just not having it. It was terrible. I crash landed, threw up, got arrested and handcuffed, interrogated for hours, given an unfun tour and assigned to work as a helper. I hated my day.

"I mean Kitwis, is a really good Rodian once you get to know him. They always say Rodian's are serious and well he is, but he has a nice side too."

We walked down a corridor with others making their way to bed as a guard walks in our path. Stopping us in our tracks.

"Newbie, there is someone who needs to see you."

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