Chapter 42

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"How are we going to get in? If we go in through the front, we'll either get captured or killed." Taejoon smiled.

"That's not the only entrance you know. The other one's just a lot harder to get into."

"Please don't tell me it's some gross sewer tunnel thing."

"No. But there aren't any guards in that area. It was the very first entrance so no one really knows about it."


"Follow me." Jeongyeon nodded as they walked through a small forest, until they reached a more hidden part of the building. It was covered in vines.

"This looks... old."

"That's because it is." He took a metal cover off a box on the wall, revealing a keypad. "There's only one downside to this place."

"Which is..?"

"If we get the code wrong, then we have thirty seconds before the bomb explodes."

"What?! Why?!"

"My Dad wanted to make sure no one got in so he installed a bomb in this entrance and made sure none of the guards went near it. Getting it wrong also triggers the intruder alarm."

"And if we get it right?"

"Then we'll be in big trouble. The CCTV will see us and all the guards will gather to kill us."

"So... how do we outsmart them?"

"We can't."

"So we'll die."

"Most likely."

"Gosh, why did I trust you?"

"But you'll survive because of this." He handed her one of the blasters.

"I thought I could hurt myself with this?"

"You just need to know how to use it. Don't put the power up to 100%." Jeongyeon nodded. "Anything under 75% is safe for you and the people behind you. But if you don't want to kill the people you use this on, put it on 50%. It'll put them in a really deep sleep."

"Got it." Jeongyeon paused. "But what if I get shot?" Taejoon smiled. "What's that supposed to mean?" He put in a code.



A small green light appeared, meaning he got it right.

"Ha, he's really that sick to make the code the day he killed his wife. What a psychopath... Okay, remember, the blasters."

"Right." Jeongyeon gulped, opening the door.

"THERE!" A man shouted. Jeongyeon walked in.


Men were shooting at her endlessly but the shooting suddenly paused. She had her eyes shut tight the whole time but when she opened them again, her feet were surrounded by bullets.

She grinned, aiming the blasters at the men who were trying to take her down.

"Those soundproof shoes puts a transparent protection around you. As long as the shoes don't get damaged, you're basically bulletproof. And the guards on the first floor has the least advanced technology so it'll be easy to get through them." She remembered Taejoon's words.


Jeongyeon put the blaster away and walked over the unconscious men, on the way to the elevator with Taejoon right behind her.

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