Chapter 34

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"Is he gone?" Tzuyu asked.

"H-Huh?" Sana looked around. "Yeah, he's gone but we need to get you to the hospital!"

"I'm fine." Tzuyu sat up and slowly pulled the knife out. "It was a small cut."

"TZUYU, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?! ARE YOU TRYING TO BLEED TO DEATH?!" Tzuyu smiled and lifted her hoodie.

"After I got kidnapped, Jeongyeon gave me a bulletproof vest. She told me to wear it everytime I went out because the enemies are targeting me. Even though the knife still went through it, it wasn't enough to injure me all the way." She sighed. "But I did get punched and kicked a lot. That kind of hurt."

"So... you're okay?" Sana blinked.

"Mhm." Sana slapped her arm.

"You made me worry so much for nothing! I cannot believe you at times!" Tzuyu chuckled.

"Would you have preferred if I actually got stabbed?"

"W-Well... of course not but still!" Sana crossed her arms and pouted.

"Come on, let's go home so I can clean myself up. We need to go to the hospital because Jeongyeon woke up." Tzuyu got up and started walking to the car.

"Hey, we haven't bought anything yet!"

"What's more important?" Sana looked down.

"You're right."


"Tzuyu, what in the world happened to your face?" Mina cupped her face worriedly.


"A-A fight?! Chou Tzuyu!"

"Mina, she almost got stabbed. Well, I thought she was stabbed but she was wearing a bulletproof vest."

"Stabbed?! Oh my gosh."

"Aw, you got in a fight?" Chaeyoung frowned. "Without me?"

"Son Chaeyoung!" Mina sat down and sighed. "Something's wrong with you two kids."

"You just noticed?" Tzuyu tilted her head.

"But are you hurt anywhere else?" She pouted.

"It kinda hurts to walk. I got beat up pretty badly, if I had to be honest."

"Aww, poor baby. Do you need help when you walk?"

"Nah, I think I'll be okay."

"Mina, if I get beat up like Tzuyu, will you show me this much attention?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Of course, Chaeyoung." She pat her head. "Let's go?"


"Wow. Someone seems like they got beat uo badly." Jeongyeon sighed.

"And someone almost got stabbed." Mina gave Tzuyu the side eye.

"Are you okay, Tzu?" Nayeon asked.

"Yeah, it wasn't that bad."

"How about you, Jeongyeon? It took you a while to wake up."

"It hurts, but I can manage. I hope I get discharged soon. I wanna do something."

"I'm gald she finally got all the sleep she was missing but I'm not glad that you want to start moving aroung once you get discharged."

"Well, what else am I supposed to do?" Jeongyeon chuckled.


"I am resting!"

"Oh my gosh, whatever!" Nayeon sat down on the couch while crossing her arms.

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