Chapter 41

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Jeongyeon woke up to a loud crash, followed by a lot of barking.

"Great." She slowly got out of bed, making sure she was quiet.

Opening the door as carefully as she could to minimize the noise, she walked out to find out what that noise was.

She took a deep breath, peeking out from the wall to see a man, wearing all black, a cap, and a mask, scratching her dog behind his ears.

"What the heck?" Jeongyeon sighed, but the man heard it, unfortunately. "Shoot."

"Seems like you're home."

"It's Taejoon."

"What are you doing here?"

"I escaped, to simply put it."


"Everyone was busy guarding your members, they didn't notice that I got out."

"You're not... brainwashed, right?" He shook his head. "How the heck did you get in my house?"

"Dude, I was trained well as a child. This was too important, so I had to break in."

"What?" He raised a key.

"I have technology that can recreate any key without the key. How dumb do you think my dad is?"

"So... why are you here?" Jeongyeon turned the light on. "It's past 3am."

"You're probably planning to save your members. I'm just here to help." He started walking towards her before he suddenly froze.

"Taejoon..?" He gripped his head, fell to the floor, and started groaning. "Hey! Kim Taejoon!" He stopped struggling, getting up slowly.

"Shoot!" Jeongyeon grabbed a large book and hit him with it as hard as she could.

He shook his head, blinking, rubbing his head.

"I just got brainwashed just now. I think you took the chip out of it's place by hitting me. Thanks!"

"How'd you get brainwashed even though you're all the way here?"

"There's a chip inserted into my brain. When my dad presses a button to brainwash me, I get brainwashed. It doesn't matter how far away I am." He shrugged. "But it won't happen again. You displaced it."


"Anyways, they know I'm here now. We don't have that much time so I'll explain as fast as I can."


"I brought a lot of gadgets from the building." He opened a bag, revealing pieces of technology. "I brought ten of these. If you attach these to your skin, preferably near your ear, you can communicate with everyone else who has one. They're basically like walkie talkies."


"You'll need these too. Put them on your feet to make your footsteps soundproof."

"Thanks." Jeongyeon put the shoes on.

"Night vision contacts." He handed her a contacts case. "They're self-explanatory."

She put them onto her eyes.

"Now... weapons." He smiled. "These are special guns. They're soundproof. They were just made last night. We only have two and I took both of them."


"Now these... are blasters. Be careful with these, they can hurt you and the people around you."


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