Chapter One

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Sighing, I rolled my eyes at the big house in front of me. It's been six years since I've set foot on this ground. Memories of my past still haunting me in my sleep.

A slight shiver running down my spine as I stood in the dirt driveway. Admiring the house that held all of my childhood memories and my worst memories.

The wind whirled around me, twirling my creme colored skirt and troubling the wind chimes that hung from the porch.

"It's just for a few weeks," I muttered to myself.

I grabbed two of my bags and walked up the same wooden steps, with each step it made the same moaning sound I remember from years ago. A bittersweet feeling washing over me. Bending to look under the welcome mat, I found the spare house keys. Dust on the doorknob. I chuckled and pulled the key through the hole.

The old stale smell of the house rushing to my nose. A good pine-sol wipe down was needed, terribly. Along with a few scented candles should literally lighten up the smell.

Letting my bags fall to my side I began to adventure around the house. The foyer empty as white sheets covered the furniture in the livingroom. Pictures covering the fireplace. Running my hand over the dust filled pictures, my heart ached.

Mom, dad, Maddie, and I all out at Ruth's. Dad eating his favorite, steak and potatoes, Mom trying to calm Maddie down because she wanted more chocolate cake. And then there was me. Sitting next to dad with a huge smile plastered on my face. Nothing in the world could make me smile like that again. To feel like that again.

Sighing I put the picture back, going to the window. The untouched white curtain still pulled back like they were after the funerals six years ago. My nose started to tingle at the dust or the memories that was vomiting up.


After looking at the rest of the house and cleaning my old room I decided to go into town. Food and more cleaning supplies were needed, especially food.

The drive to town was peaceful as one of Mariah Carey's album played softly in my convertible. The top back as the wind bristled through my blonde hair. The same bumps and curve still incurved the back roads. Everrest green trees lined the roads and swallowed the rest of the world.

Passing the Jonas's cattle range the smell of nature seeped inside my car. Stomach tingling memories flashing through my mind like strobe lights inside of a night club.

His hands playing in my hair as he hummed sweet melodies in my ear. My back resting in his lap as the grass swallowed us into a rose filled abyss. Everything felt completely right in his arms.

Bittersweet memories.

Finally the towns' general store came into view as other shopping cafes lined each side. The grocery store conveniently next to the general store. I chuckled at my now occurring thoughts.

When I was a little girl the mango stand use to sit right beside the entrance of the general store and I hate a fear of mangos. Their hard and rigid shell felt like a dead dogs rib cage. Another terrifying memory I have to live with.

At times like these I'm glad I had moved away. Being busy with work and the latest styles kept my mind occupied.


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