Chapter Eight

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Somehow I found myself tispy and on stage, squinting at the telopromptor. I guess it was R&B night because Whitney Houston's All The Man I Need lyrics were going across the screen.

"Oh, ooo ohhh, wait," I giggled drunkenly.

How many shots did I have exactly?

Hearing the crowd laugh along with me I stared goofily out to them. A pair of old familiar eyes locking me in. His elbows perch upon the bar as his body towards the stage. Taking in a deep breath I bit my bottom lip. Why did he have to grow up to be so fucking handsome?

Rolling my eyes I looked back down at the small screen, sucking in a deep breath and closing my eyes I began to belch out the lyrics.

"He fills me up!

He gives me love.... more love than I've ever seen.

He's all I got, Hes all I got in this world, but hes all the man that I need,"

Opening my eyes once again it was like an magnetic pull to Nick. A Corona now resting on his lips as he continued to watch me. My stomach filled with butterflies as I shivered. Grasping the mic with my hands I swayed my body side to side.

"In the morning when I kiss his eyes

He takes me down and rocks me slow.."

Moving my hips hypnotically to the music I innocently pretended he was the only one here. In my dazed mine he already was because I couldn't even recognize anyone else. He was sending me so many messages I'm sure I need to run home right quick and change underwear.

As soon as I finished singing everyone erupted in an appreciated applause. All I wanted to do at this moment was kidnap Nick, leave all my decency and morals behind to do a lot of indecent things to him. Miley would be so proud of my thoughts right now. Laughing to myself I grabbed Miley's hand as she helped me off stage.

"Ya liddle whore! Wipe that innocent shit off your face,"

Laughing I looked over to Miley, questioning her with my eyes. Rolling my eyes I sighed, about to try and explain what that was up there, but got interupted by Selena.

"Damn girl, you gotta kick-ass voice," Selena handed both Miley and I each a beer.

"Thanks Selena, but who's working the bar?"

Selena brush some of her hair out of her face and glanced over at the bar. Taylor was fixing drinks and Nick was still staring at me. Hard.

To keep him from seeing me blush I quickly looked away only to attract a knowing smirk from Miley. Biting down on my bottom lip like a hungry scavenger I could feel my face warm up.

Man, what the hell does he still have on me?!

"I see you got Taylor whipped," Miley commented.

Selena let out a flirty laugh and guided us to a small empty table. Odd reason's, I kept glancing over towards the bar. Keeping an eye on Nick. The way that man look is impossible for women not to notice him. I know if I never left he would legally belong to me and probably have a kid together.

There wasn't a night in those first three years that I was away that I didn't think about things like that. But after that tragic incident I knew then that I couldn't stay in Texas. My mind wasn't in the safest place and I cared too much about Nick to bring him down with me. So when I turned 18 the next month, I got my diploma, my scholarship, my will money, and got away.

Going to school in California and having access to large sums of money and drugs, I got into terrible things. Gladly, I made a good friend that saved me from myself before it was a little too late. To this day I still owe him my life and that's why I took our friendship to the next level.

"Hello, Demi, are you there?"


Confused, I looked towards Miley while Selena had gone back over to the bar. Miley sipped her drink as she still held her teasing smirk back at me. Arching my eyebrows, I cocked my head to the side.

"Tell me about Zac and does he look half as good as Nick?" Miley demanded.

Rolling my eyes and throwing my head back in laughter, I grabbed my shot glass and clicked it with her's.

"Zac is no Nick and Nick is definitely no Zac" Shrugging my shoulders, I really thought about the two. "You can't really compare them,"

My mind really didn't want to think about Zac or the fact that he hasn't called. Tonight, I just want to relax and soak in what I left behind and to see who has changed the most. Only person that's coming to my mind that's changed the most is, really, myself.


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