Chapter Fourteen

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Alexandra's POV
    Today was the wedding. I woke up around seven in the morning and I was already so nervous. Last night Logan had stayed at his parents house so we could get ready separately but it felt weird not having him in the bed next to me. I had gotten up earlier to take a shower and my Mom helped me fix my hair before the kids got up.
We didn't want to hire a fancy photographer so thankfully my sister was great at taking photo's so she ran around for us all morning.
"what do you think sweetheart?" she asked as I looked in the mirror
"it's beautiful" I said
"you really like it? I can always do something else if you don't like it" she said
"Mom, it's perfect" I said
My hair was curled and she pulled part of it back into a braid/pony tail thing. My Dad was watching the kids for me this morning so I could focus on getting ready
"were this nervous when you and Dad got married?" I asked my Mom as she helped get my dress out of the bag
"oh of course I was nervous. But honestly sweetheart, Logan adores you so you don't need to be nervous" she said
"I'll leave you alone for a minute to get dressed okay?" she said
"thanks Mom" I said
I took a deep breath as I smiled down at my dress. When I went to pick it up my hands were shaking as I tried to undo the zipper. Alright, don't freak out Alex.... I said to myself. I think I was more nervous today then either of the times I gave birth. I guess it was the fear of saying the wrong thing, falling in front of everyone or having Logan not like the dress. I've always struggled with self confidence and never considered myself beautiful the way everyone else does.
Finally after my hands stopped shaking some, I got the dress on. I called my Mom back in to help me zip the back of it and if course she was crying when she saw me
"oh sweetheart you look beautiful" she said
"thanks Mom" I said
"try to relax a little sweetie. Honestly you have nothing to worry about" she said
"ready to walk downstairs?" she asked
I took one last look in the mirror and then we walked downstairs so everyone could see the dress. All the girls were crying and saying how beautiful I was and my sister was at the bottom of the stairs getting pictures
"Alex you're so freaking beautiful" Leven said
"thank you" I said as I hugged her
My bridesmaids were all wearing sleeveless navy blue dresses because that was Logan's favorite color.
"you ready sweetheart?" my Mom asked
"ready as I'll ever be" I said
"you look beautiful Alex" my Dad said
"thanks Dad" I said
"and thanks for watching the kids" I said
"you just worry about you today kiddo" he said
My sister took a few photo's of me and the bridesmaids. I had chosen three of my closest friends... Leven, Kate and Penelope. We were getting married outside in the park and the leaves had just changed color so everything was so beautiful out. Plus it wasn't a hundred degrees which was a bonus.
When we pulled up to the wedding I saw Logan standing at the alter waiting for me and all of a sudden I felt my heart beating out of my chest again.
"ready kiddo?" my Dad asked me
"ready as I'll ever be" I said
I took a deep breath and my Dad came around to help me out of the car. I heard the music playing and then we slowly walked down the aisle. I saw Logan tear up when he saw me which made smile.
"take care of her" my Dad said as I stood next to Logan
"I will sir" Logan said
"you're so beautiful" Logan said as he took my hands
"you look amazing too" I said
Once everyone sat down and the priest came up, Logan was still holding onto me and smiling as we stared into each other's eyes
"today we are gathered here today to join the souls of Alexandra Anna Daddario, and Logan Wade Lerman" he said
"do you, Logan Wade Lerman take Alexandra Anna Daddario to be your wife?" he asked
"I do" Logan said smiling
"do you, Alexandra Anna Daddario take Logan Wade Lerman to be your husband?" he asked
"I do" I said
"Logan, you were the first person to ever love me and except me for who I am" I said
"you've made me a better person and you're such an amazing father to our children" I said
"I promise to always love you, and take care of you even if things get hard" I said
"I promise to always love you Alex" he said
"I've never stopped loving you from the first moment we met" he said
"I knew there was something special about you. Something beautiful" he said
"I'll always love you, and care for you" he said
Once we'd exchanged rings he went back to holding my hand
"I now pronounce you, husband and wife" the priest said
"you may now kiss your bride" he said
Logan pulled me close and kissed me gently. I always loved the feeling when he kissed me. It was soft and gentle but still so passionate. The kiss only lasted a few seconds but it had to be by far my favorite kiss with him. Everyone was standing up and cheering so we both turned around to smile at the crowd
After the reception everyone just mingled and talked and had a few drinks here and there. It was finally time to cut the cake so Logan and I gathered by the table and everyone crowded around us while we cut the cake. The cake was a standard white wedding cake that had flower's on it and on the top it had our names with the date of the wedding. We each ate a piece of cake and had another small glass of wine with it.

The wedding was over later that afternoon and then we all went out into the woods for pictures. I'm not sure how many pictures my sister took, but I knew it was a lot! We did a whole session of photo's with just me and Logan and then we did some with the kids as well.
       My parents agreed to watch the kids that night to give us a night alone on our first night of marriage. When we finally got back to the house it was around eight at night
"you know" Logan said
"as much as I love that dress on you, I do prefer you without it on" he said
"plus we have the house to ourselves tonight" he said
"well maybe you can help me take it off" I said
      Logan came over and kissed me and I felt him unzip the dress. I felt the dress fall off my shoulders and expose my bare chest as I had nothing on but panties under it. I picked the dress up off the floor and laid it on the counter and as I bent over I saw Logan staring at me
"you are a beautiful woman, Mrs. Lerman" he said
"Mrs. Lerman?" I said
"I like the sound of that" I said
       I quickly helped Logan rip his jacket off and then his tie came off as we made our way upstairs. We kicked our shoes off in the hallway and he carried me upstairs

--the end--

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