Chapter Thirteen

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Alexandra's POV
      It was July now and Logan and I finally set a date for the wedding. September third. We wanted it to still be nice outside as we were getting married outside somewhere. We've been meeting with wedding planners and my Mom and sister have been helping me dress shop. I've tried on a few that I've liked but still hadn't found 'the one'.
       Our wedding was a small wedding with just family and friends. We didn't want a big ceremony. We invited back our Percy Jackson cast because we hadn't seen any of them since the movie back in twenty-ten and they wanted to meet our kids.  Most everyone who we'd sent an invite to has replied saying they're coming.
I was so happy it was insane. Logan has been so amazing with everything. He helps out around the house, helps with the kids, and never complains about wedding planning... even when the person we booked with is late.

Today I was going dress shopping again with my Mom, sister and my friend Leven. Leven and I met back during the Percy Jackson days and I actually haven't seen her since then.
"so are you texting me a a picture of the dress?" Logan asked as I was getting ready to leave
"no way! It's a a surprise" I said
"besides I still haven't found one that I love yet" I said
"don't worry Alex. You'll be beautiful in anything" he said kissing me
"Mommy when will you be home?" Wade asked
"I'll be home as soon as I can okay? You're gonna have a fun day out with Daddy!" I said
"yea buddy! We're gonna go to the zoo and then go out to eat" Logan said
"alright, so you have Annabeth's food in your bag right? You should also take a few extra diapers, and Wade usually has a snack" I said
"Alex I know. Try to relax and have fun" he said
"sorry. I know you've watched them before and done a wonderful job. It's just still weird leaving them sometimes" I said
"I know" he said
"I'll give you a call or text you if we need anything" he said
"okay. You three have a good day!" I said kissing him again
"alright, have fun dress shopping and say hi to Leven for me" he said
"I will!" I said
"bye Wade, be a good boy for Daddy" I said
"I will! Bye Mommy" he said
I knew they would be fine but it was still hard to leave sometimes. I went to the dress store which was half an hour away. As I pulled in, Leven greeted me
"Oh my god! Alexandra Daddario!!!" she yelled as she hugged me
"hey Leven" I said
"I wondered what happened to you after the Percy Jackson movie" she said
"yea I sort of fell of the earth for a while I guess" I laughed
"I did some modeling still though" I said
"I totally knew you and Logan were getting married" she said
"you two were all over each other, even back then" she said
"yea, it was hard when he left though" I said
"I... I was pregnant with my first son when he left for his movie tours" I said
"wait - you two have kids too!?" she asked shocked
"oh my god Alex! Why haven't I heard this before?" she asked
"well being a single Mom was hard enough. That's why I quit acting. I don't really want my kids in the media... I mean, recently Logan and I just posted a photo on social media about our family but that's the only picture we've posted" I said
"ugh!! I need to go online more" she laughed
"do you have any pictures?" she asked
"oh yea!" I said getting my phone out
"this is Wade, I named him after Logan. Wade is his middle name" I said
"and then this is our little girl, Annabeth. I just had her not too long ago. Logan picked the name because we both liked it after Percy Jackson and it was how Logan and I met" I said
"awww, Alex! I am so happy for you two" she said
"I'm kinda jealous of your little family" she said
"I'm so happy sometimes life doesn't even feel real. I mean, Logan and I have little arguments here and there but he always makes up for it later" I said kind of hoping Leven got my hint
"I don't need details" she laughed
"so are you guys having any more kids or just two?" she asked
"I don't know. I'd like to have one more maybe after Annabeth get's a bit older. We haven't really talked about having any more kids" I said
       Not long after Leven and I got talking in the parking lot, my Mom and sister pulled up
"hey girls!" my Mom said
"hey Mrs. Daddario" Leven said
"Leven right?" my Mom asked
"yea that's me" Leven said
"and you're Cat right? Oh my gosh! You've gotten bigger since I last saw you!" Leven said hugging my sister Catherine
"have you guys gone in the store yet?" my Mom asked
"not yet, Alex was filling me in on the last seven years of her life that I somehow missed" Leven laughed
     We all went into the store and was greeted by a nice young woman.
"just let us know if you need help finding a size or style" she said
"thank you" I said
      We each picked a few different dress styles out and then it was time for me to go to the fitting room. I wanted a dress that showed off my body but I didn't want anything too revealing... I mean, don't get me wrong Logan's already seen everything but I still want to keep it classy. I tried on the first dress and I liked it okay but it still wasn't the perfect dress.

Finally after two hours of trying on dresses, we found the perfect one. It was a nice simple dress but it still had a lot of class. It was a long dress with an open V-neck and it had lacy flower's down the sides. Once we checked out of the store I had my Mom take mine and Leven's picture outside of the store so I could send it to Logan and I was holding the dress in a black bag
Alex: 'Finally found it!!!!!! Can't wait for you to see it. Love you 💕'
Logan: 'YAYYYYY!!!! Can't wait to see it baby. I love you!! The kids are doing great. We're almost done with lunch, so see you soon?'
Alex: 'yes see you soon! We're just now leaving'
My Mom was actually keeping my dress for me so it wouldn't get accidentally wrecked or found by one of the kids. So I handed it over to her and hugged her and my sister goodbye because they had to leave to go back home. Leven and I talked for a little while longer and I showed her more photo's of the kids, and Levon.
"it was so great seeing you Alex! and I'm so thrilled for you and Logan. You guys deserve the best" she said
"thanks Leven" I said hugging her goodbye
"if you guys need anything or need help with wedding stuff you can always text or call me" she said
"thank you, I will" I said
After Leven left I got in my car and started the drive home. I usually played the radio when I was in the car alone and as cheesy as it sounds, I usually sang a long. When I got home I saw Logan had just pulled in because the garage was still open and the front door was unlocked
"MOMMY!" Wade said running to me
"hi baby" I said picking him up
"did you and Daddy have a good day?" I asked
"we had so much fun at the zoo!! He even bought me and Annabeth stuffed animals" he said
"oh wow! That was nice of him" I said
We made our way into the kitchen where Logan was holding Annabeth
"hey!" he said coming over to kiss me
"so can I see the dress?" he asked
"nice try! My Mom has it . I didn't want you accidentally finding it or the kids ruining it" I said
"that's good" he said
"you and Leven looked like you had a great time" he said
"oh she's so thrilled for us" I said
"she loved seeing pictures of you, the kids, and Levon" I said
"I'm glad you two are still friends" he said
"yea she was so awesome and supportive" I said

Later that evening we all four ate dinner and went to bed like every other normal night. Logan and I took a quick shower and then headed to bed around ten.
"I love you" he said as we got into bed
"I love you too" I said as I leaned over and kissed him
"you know, I'm up for a little fun if you are" he said with a smile
"oh I'm always up for it" I said
We leaned back in and kissed each other and it never took long for us to take our clothes off.

--The end--

I hope you enjoyed this one! Another chapter is coming soon. Please remember to vote and comment 💕🙂 Please don't be a silent readee, I love any type of review!

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