"Well they already know that you are pregnant and I'm going to tell them what you just told me and that they have to go along with this because the last thing I want is to screw things up." He stated and I nodded as we said our goodbyes. I called my dad and told him everything. "Sweetheart, are you sure you want to do this?" He asks me and it wasn't really but it was the best thing to do "No it's not exactly what I wanted but it's better this way"

"Do we have to find someone to replace you at work?"

"I haven't thought about that yet to be honest but maybe an assistant for in the pub and I will take care of everything behind the scenes?" 

"That's an excellent idea dear, do you have someone in mind?"

"Yes I do actually, I was thinking of Rose, she is capable of so much and she really has a heart for the business and I know she could use the raise"

"That's settled then, plan the meeting and we will support your decision completely"

"Thank you dad"

"Are you sure you are going to be okay with Harry?"

"Yes I'm sure, he will take good care of me and our baby" I assured him. I walked into the pub again and saw that the doors were already closed and when I looked at the clock I was surprised that it was nearly 11pm and I felt suddenly really tired. What a day this was. I never imagined a craziness like this and all those paparazzi who where chasing me. It made me feel sick again and I just didn't understand why people would treat others so badly, why would you want that.

I can't say that I found it a respectful job, bothering people like that. Then the pub was packed for more then 2 hours. I had never worked as hard as today and my feet were literally killing me. Then I hadn't even said anything about me emotional ride with Harry and that one bothered me the most because I'd never thought that today would turn out with me moving back with him.

I know it was for the best and I'm coming to terms with it but it wasn't an easy decision. I wasn't ready to go back into a relationship with him and yes I was beginning to trust him again but to be forced to live with each other isn't something I had pictured but it was for our own protection and I was glad that he understood that it wasn't going to be easy and yes I gave him permission to talk about the baby and me and tell the world we were together but he had to be really patient.

I wasn't going to swoon into his arms just because he was treating me the way he should have when we were still together. I wasn't going to make that mistake again and I know what you are going to say, that I'm just afraid of getting hurt again and yes I'm afraid but isn't that normal and the fact that he is a pop star is not making it any easier but I'm willing to give him the chance to prove he wants me and no one else.

I was twirling his necklace between my fingers while I was thinking and I eventually said goodnight to my lovely colleagues and went upstairs. When I got into my apartment I looked around and the lonely feeling I had yesterday was still there but I did feel sad of leaving this. It maybe made me feel a bit lonely but it was still home and now I had to give up my freedom.

I took a seat on the couch and I just sat there looking around and I couldn't stop my tears, which I had contained for a big part of the day. I felt heartbroken and exhausted emotionally. It was time to leave this day behind me so I got up and showered before I got into bed and I turned on the telly, which was showing one of my favorite movies 'Pride&Prejudice', and I watched it till I fell into a peaceful slumber, only to be woken up by a horrible nightmare and I was out of breath and sweating.

I quickly turned on the light that was on my nightstand. That was just to crazy and I decided to call the one person I didn't really want to see but he was the only one who made me feel safe. "Sam?" I heard his sleepy voice and I regretted it immediately "I'm sorry for waking you" I said apologetic "It's alright Love, what's wrong?"

"I had a nightmare and I just don't want to be alone" I said sniffling, I was on the brink of crying again "I'm coming over." He hanged up the phone. I put on my robe and made tea for Harry. Not long after he had hung up the phone I heard my doorbell and I buzzed him in. He came walking to me and wrapped his strong arms around my waist and cuddled me tightly. He took me towards the kitchen were we drank our tea. "I'm sorry for making you come here" but he waved it off "It's okay, do you want to tell me what the nightmare was about?" I nodded as he took me with him towards the bed and we sat down. "I was being trampled by the paparazzi with our baby in my arms and you just walked away and let us die" I was now fully sobbing.

"It was just a nightmare love, I would never leave you or the baby and I will certainly never put you in a position were paparazzi can hurt you like that" He soothed me and it made me feel slightly better. I inhaled some oxygen and relaxed into his arms. "are you ready to sleep now?" he asked. I nodded and we laid down and again he wrapped his arms around me and not long after I heard his breathing slow down my eyes dropped as well.

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