⃟ ཹ։an accident - estella

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words : 1018

hellpark!estella x fem!reader

being stupid af,
y/n manages to
summon a demon
from playing
the ouija board
incorrectly. now,
some blonde,
british female is
following her
everywhere she

Requested by : GlupiaFangirl

Requested by : GlupiaFangirl

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Playing with spirits was definitely not a good idea

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Playing with spirits was definitely not a good idea. Only people who were completely insane would do stupid stuff like that.

Y/N just so happened to be one of those people.

She doesn't know what made her think of it, but she decided to play with the ouija board alone. Not to mention the fact she's never messed with one before and doesn't even know the proper rules.

It went rather smoothly at first, her voice trembled slightly as she asked the spirit a couple of questions;

"What's your name? - E-s-t-e-l-l-a? Estella? Alright, Estella, why are you here? - Y-o-u - Me? Uhm, I'm not sure what you mean - M-o-r-o-n - Hey!"

After a bit of questions, Y/N was much more comfortable with talking to 'Estella'. Her voice stopped shaking and her hands stopped as well, she seemed to be enjoying this.

Little did she know, Estella was too.

Once it got late the [h/c] - haired female had told the other goodbye, raising her hand from the planchette and putting it back into the box. She then got ready for bed.

Every night had been just like this, she would take the board and planchette from out the box and speak with Estella. Most of the time, the female spirit would call Y/N many different creative insults, but she knew they were jokes.

One night, Y/N's parents had gone out to get her sister from a school concert. Taking advantage of this, she whips out the ouija board and immediately begins to talk with Estella.

"Estella? Is this you? - Yes - Sweet! How's your day been? - G-o-o-d, h-o-w a-b-o-u-t-y-o-u - Me? Oh, I've been great! Today could've been better though, my teacher's are annoying as hell...I swear, they assign a project every fucking week, dude! - d-u-d-e - Yeah, dude! Do you not want to be called that? - N-v-m - Fine, suit yourself!"

The conversation continued for a while, and eventually, Y/N wasn't paying attention to the front door opening and closing, nor to the sounds of chatter coming from downstairs. She continued to speak with the spirit, but stopped when she felt her hand begin to move, "Hm?"

She watched the planchette slide across the board quickly and urgently, "G-o - Go? Estella what are you - " As if on cue, the door swung open and a bright light entered the black room. Y/N gasped and slide the board out of sight, her hand leaving the planchette without saying goodbye.

Her father entered the room and questioned her actions, "Y/N? Who were you talking to?" Nervous beads of sweat were barely noticeable on her [s/c] forehead. She quickly stands up and responds, "Myself! I-I said, oh hell! what are you doing? I messed my writing up and it was in pen, heh.." Y/N's dad managed to believe her lie, still a little suspicious, "Well, alright...Get ready for bed, it's getting late. Goodnight." He instructed, shutting the door behind him and leaving Y/N in the dark once again.

Sighing in utter relief, she looked at the ouija board, walking to it and speaking quietly, "Sorry, Stella." She apologized before properly putting the items away, not knowing what could possibly await her in the morning.


Upon hearing her alarm clock, Y/N's [e/c] eyes slowly fluttered open. Glancing at the time, she grunted and sat up in her bed. Her hand reaches up to her eye as she rubbed it tiredly, being blinded immediately by the sunlight. Sucking her teeth, she gets out of bed and grabs the clothes she picked the night before, changing into them.

After dressing herself, Y/N heads out her room and into the bathroom across the hall. She scratches the side of her head for a second or two before flicking on the lights. Glancing up at the mirror for a second she took a double-take when she noticed a figure standing behind her.

Turning around quickly, her eyes widen at the sight of a blonde, red-eyed female staring at her in dark clothing.

She jumped and backed up into the sink counter, too scared to shout for help. Stuttering, she opened her mouth to speak, "Wh-Who the fuck are y-ou - " The blonde seemed a little offended by the fact she was recognized, but it did make sense. Take a small step forward, she introduces herself, "Y/N? I'm Estella, and you have no clue what you just caused."

Staring blankly, Y/N processed her words, completely ignoring everything she said after her name, "I - Estella!" Her face brightened and she grinned happily, throwing her arms around the female's neck and hugging her. The demon was quite shocked by her actions, hesitantly hugging her back. Patting her back gently, she tried to continue to explain what was going on, "Yeah, it's nice to see you too...Listen to me, but don't speak. You haven't brushed your teeth yet - "

Pulling back, the [h/c] - haired female just keeps her joyful expression, ignoring her last statement and listening to the other. Sighing, Estella speaks, "I don't want you touching another ouija board in your life. It's terrible how you didn't say goodbye last night, I expected much more from you." Y/N's expression faded into a confused one as she listened carefully, "What do you mean?" "Long story short, you managed to unleash a small group of demons - including me - into this world. So, congratulations."

Y/N stated silently for a bit before opening her mouth to speak, the door to the bathroom opening at the same time. Her father stood there, staring at the two girls as they stared silently and awkwardly back.


Directed by Robert B. Weide


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