James 'Jimmy' Kent // the fair

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"Y/n! Put this in the oven. Now." Daisy coldly shoved a chicken at you and you frowned. You really wanted Daisy to like you, you were making her job easier after all being the new kitchen maid, but everything you did seemed to be wrong. However, Alfred seemed to like you and that's all you cared about. The tall boy had helped you plenty of times and you knew that the two of you were going to be best friends- as long as he didn't push it to something more. It's not like you didn't like Alfie, but he just wasn't the one for you. That seemed to be the case with everyone you met, even your mum was saying how you would become an old maid and forever remain a single spinster. You didn't mind though, as long as you had friends then it was worth it.

After the dinner was all prepared for upstairs, you sat down in the servants hall and sighed, finally letting sore feet get a well earned rest. Tucking your long h/c hair back into the intricately braided bun, you didn't notice everyone in the servants hall stand. Carson let his grumbly throat emit a deep cough and your head snapped up to Carson. You stood instantly, muttering an apology and Daisy rolled her eyes at you with a sneer. You were so hasty to stand, you didn't notice what everyone was staring at...or who everyone was staring at.

"Jimmy Kent, at your service." A golden voice pricked up your ears and you looked to see the most handsome man you'd ever met. All the girls there thought so it seemed and they were all giggling and waving cheekily. Although, Jimmy wasn't looking at them as he seemed to have locked eyes with you. You loved his eyes, shining like a wild adventure was caught in his pupils. He smirked and went to walk over to you, his hand outstretched to shake, but Carson gave you a look that could end your career with a rotten reference so you backed away and glued your eyes to the floor. Confused, Jimmy looked over at Carson who cleared his throat once more. 

"You will be known as James in this house as long as you are under my employment, now unpack your things and we'll get your livery." Carson grumbled and you bushed. You couldn't wait to see him in his work clothes- you did love a man in uniform.

"I can't believe it, Mr Carson is that bad?" Jimmy laughed, and you nodded, giggling. You were both currently hidden away from everyone out the back door, since Jimmy had convinced you to 'get to know him', plus the dinner was over so neither of you were needed for anything important. Lent against the wall, Jimmy was rubbing the back of his livery against the muddy wall and you tutted. "What?" Jim smiled.

"look at your uniform! It's all dirty at the back, look," you blushed as you grabbed his arm to turn him around and you felt his muscle under his clothes, "I-it's all dirty. I'll brush it off, hang on." You grinned, "Carson would have a heart attack." Wiping your hands over his dusty back, Jimmy thought now would be the perfect moment to roll his neck and shoulders, flexing his back muscles and making your face even redder than before. Your hand faltered and you could feel his smirk.

"You alright Y/n?" He teased and you knew he was teasing because he wanted to see you as flustered as possible, so you decided to play his game. 

"Of course I'm alright, why?" You answered promptly, putting on as normal voice as you could and put your cold hand onto your hot face to cool it back to normal temperature, acting like you weren't flustered by his smooth movements. He turned with a confused expression and you looked at him as innocently as you could, smiling. "What?" Looking down at your small wrist watch, you smile grew, "oh, is that the time? Time to get to work Jimmy." Running in, you nodded to Alfred on the way in and he laughed. 

"What's the big grin for Y/n?" He asked, his own bemused smile on his face.

"Nothing." You smirked to yourself and walked past him into the servants hall then the kitchen. Daisy glare brought you back don't to earth and you remembered that you'd have to wait until after service is over to join Jimmy again.

Finally the candles started flickering bright and the sky got dark. All the servants were having dinner and taking and laughing, but you were primarily just trying not to stare at Jimmy, so preoccupied yourself with talking to Alfred instead. You were sure Daisy wouldn't like it, but she wasn't here and even if she was, she'd understand once you explained the Jimmy scenario. 

"Hey, Y/n, I need to talk to you." Jimmy called from the table, gesturing to the door, but Carson furrowed his thick eyebrows.

"Whatever you have to say to Y/n you can say in front of all of us, James." He said promptly.

Jimmy cleared his throat and looked suddenly very shy, something you hadn't seen of Jimmy since he had arrived. This peaked your interest, so you started to chew your lip and decided, "it's okay Jimmy, it doesn't matter." But you knew he would tell you after dinner.

The boy sent you a silent thank you and Alfred- who had been enjoying your company- suddenly looked quite resign and forlorn. You could understand why, poor sod, he obviously fancied you, but when you looked around the table, you also saw Thomas's usual smirk droop a little, now that was strange. You didn't let it weigh heavy on your mind, though, and when everyone was finished, you found Jimmy pacing up and down the back entrance. 

"Hey Jim." You smiled.

"Oh, right, Y/n." He looked like he was almost sweating he was so nervous, but to you he still looked cute. "So, the fair tomorrow. . ."

"What about it?"

"Are you going?" He looked at you hopefully.

"Probably not," you laughed, thinking to yourself 'only because you have no one to go with.'

"Right, right, rather go out with your boyfriend?" He said and you realised what he was doing, he was trying to see whether you had a boyfriend or not.

"Nope. No boys are in the picture, I'm afraid."

"No, no that's good!" Then he realised what he just said and backtracked, as you walked closer to him then leant on a cold wall. "I mean, uh, not for you, but-

"For you?" You giggled. 

"Well. . . yeah." He said, looking at you with adoration, something you weren't exactly familiar with. 

"So, do you have something to tell me, Jimmy?" 

"I just think you're gorgeous and- well- if you want to go to the fair with me?" He winced, as if expecting you to say no.

"Depends." You had him hooked, he nodded for you to continue. "Would you buy me cotton candy?"

"Anything you want." He laughed heartily, and you realised he had grown more confident, neither of you really nervous just. . .well as cringey as just love-shy. Maybe you were having a crush on Jimmy, and maybe, just maybe, it was turning out right.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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