Matthew Crawley// The New Man

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Today was the day. The new heir of downton had arrived and me and my sister were going to his new home to meet him. We weren't exactly thrilled, since he was going to steal Mary's money unless she married him, but I was able to remain curious with no harsh judgement. I didn't want to dislike him until he inevitably gave me a reason to.

"You know they'll force one of the daughters on me." I heard ring throughout the newly refurbished cottage. Oh, it seems as though me and my sister were not welcome. Sharing a look with Mary and then sauntering in, still wearing my riding attire, I saw Matthews eyes widen and his mouth opening then closing, trying to force out words.

"Oh stop that, you look like a fish otherwise." I said without thinking, getting a sharp looked from Mary. She continued the talking and eventually we both left, after refusing the offer of tea. Giggles consumed the both of us as soon as we had left and Mary looked shocked.

"'You look like a fish'?" She exclaimed in disbelief, swatting your arm. I laughed louder as I mounted my midnight black horse horse. 

"What? He was just so rude to us, besides you can't say you didn't enjoy your little jab. I wouldn't want to push in. I know what you were doing." I stated with a teasing smile and Mary shook her head.

"I don't know what you could be insinuating." She smirked and then, after mounting her own horse, Matthew himself came rushing out of the cottage. He looked a little nervous and was rubbing the nape of his neck. His gaze seemed to be fixed on me, but I kept my eyes on Mary who didn't let the direction if his gaze go amiss. "Is there something spectacular about my sister, cousin Matthew?" She asked rather snobbishly and I felt my cheeks heat up a little. Matthew himself, although caught out of a trance, shook his head and smiled at Mary. 

"I just wanted to apologise for what I said, I didn't-" He started but I  stopped him with a raised hand. 

"It's...fine. We were just joking back there, weren't we Mary?" I replied with a gracious smile, but Mary seemingly wasn't convinced and just raised her chin and focused on stroking her horses hair. "Anyway, the purpose of our visit. We were wondering if you'd like to join us for dinner?" I chirped up, not sure why my tune had changed so, perhaps the intense gaze he gave me was just enough to peak my interest. He nodded and exchanged his uncomfortable glance to Mary for a warm smile being sent my way. "Perfect, see you at 6:00." And with that we rode off. 

Mary wouldn't talk to me the entire time, just send me little side glances and eventually I couldn't take it.


"It's clearly more than nothing."

"It's just that a certain blue eyed, blonde cousin of ours seemed to peak your interest? I certainly wasn't joking with him in the cottage." She rolled her eyes.

"I just think he isn't all bad. It was just a bad first impression I suppose..." I trailed off.

"What!?" Mary stopped her horse all together and I slowed to a halt next to her. "He was so full of himself, how could you not see it?" 

"Well it is true though, isn't it. Mama and papa are forcing you onto him." I smiled, but Mary just cantered off muttering 'He's all yours.'


Dinner was about to start, but before it did I sat with Edith and Sybil in the library. 
"So, what was he like?" Sybil asked, excitedly. Edith pretended not to be interested, but I could see her eyes spark up a little at the mention of Matthew.

"Interesting. I'm not so sure about him yet." I mumbled rather mysteriously, then their arrival was announced so we all stood in the corridor to greet the Crawleys. Cousin Isabel came first, in a rather pretty number, going straight towards grandmama. I stood politely, in between mary and Edith, in order of eldest to youngest. My eyes were trained on Matthew and he seemed to be trying to glance at me not so subtly. He then followed his mother who asked,

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