Thomas Branson//Irish lover boy

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"Mother, please let me explore the country! I'll get a chauffeur if that's what you're worried about!" You begged your mother, even though you knew you were perfectly capable of driving yourself. Your mother sighed and flung her hands in the air. 

"I bring you to your our new friends' estate, Downton Abbey, where they serve impeccable food and only the finest wine- which is expensive now war is looming-"

"-Mother, war is not looming. Can we not hold on to happiness while it offers itself?" You said, exasperated with her pessimistic view. The woman just shook her head and laughed at the preposterous idea she was about to give to her daughter. 

"So, you expect to go galavanting around the country while I entrust you to some stranger ? Or worse, drive yourself !"  Your mother laughed, and she reminded you a lot of the dowager countess in that horrible moment. Scared that she'd reject the whole thing entirely if you pushed her too far, you decided not to drive yourself, and promised her you'd find a chauffeur that would be modest and kind if she let you go. 

"Please! I beg you mother, I'll be back before dinner." You pleaded for the last time. However, she still didn't budge. Huffing in annoyance and walking off, you decided to explore the grounds of the estate while you had no chance of going to the country- which was the entire reason you had wanted to come in the first place. Your family may be rich now thanks to your mother's most recent marriage, but you were still the city girl that longed for green rolling fields.


Grabbing your best coat, you snuck through the front door, knowing that your mother would assign a footman or something to go with you around the grounds and you couldn't think of anything more boring. If you couldn't go to the country, then you could at least explore some hidden part of Downton's estate. You happily breathed in the summer air, strolling up the path past a chauffeur and car.

"Y/n is that you?" An unforgettable Irish voice called out. "Y/n? By god it is you!" Turning around you saw the Irish boy you once loved now a man, in a dark green uniform. 

"Tommy?" You gasped, running towards him in such an unladylike manner that your mother would faint and wrapping your arms around his in a tight hug. You couldn't believe you just walked past your best friend. Squealing as Thomas lifted you into the air and spun you around, you felt your heart burst for happiness. "Tommy it is you, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm a chauffeur at Downton, but what about you ? Dressed up to the nines!" He exclaimed, his grin matching your own.  You spun around, flaunting your new dress, coat and jewels in front of the man that last saw you in a cheap, ill-fitting frock and a flattened hat.

"My mother married, again, but this time he really was a rich man. Therefore, my life has changed. For better or  for worse." You said with a little sad smile which left the Irish man confused. 

He patted your back, "aw c'mon. Being rich and having people like us serve yer can't be such a bad thing." He chuckled, his Irish accent pushing through every word.

"Oi, watch it Branson, I  was 'a person like us' before, I haven't  changed just because I'm wearing different clothes! Although I can't say the same about mother." You exclaimed, a little offended that he thought you could change so easily.

"Speak of the devil." Tom grimaced as he looked behind you and instantly dropped your hands, standing smartly. 

"Y/n? What are you doing!? Are you conversing with a servant!?" Your mother's voice shrilled from the door, even though she was a servant once herself. You scowled and marched up to her, after telling Tom to wait there.

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