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Today was John's fifteenth birthday. George was in the basement again. He thinks that of he brings up his own birthday, he can get George out of the basement. Ivan comes into the room to bring John his food.

"Hey Ivan..?" John asked.

"Yes John." Ivan answered with fake kindness.

"It's my birthday today and I was wondering if..."

"No, I can't bring George out from the basement. You know what he did, and he has to suffer the consequences." Ivan interrupted John coldly. "But, Pete and I will bring you something. You know, for this special occasion. How old are you turning?"

"Fifteen." John answered, a bit disappointed. Then Ivan just turns and leaves, without a word.

A few hours later, Pete walks into the room... with a girl. She looked to be around John's age herself. She was very pretty. Beautiful even.

"This," Pete starts. "Is Cynthia. She is the daughter of an associate of mine. Cynthia, this is John. John, since you are turning fifteen, Ivan and I thought that we should give you your first girlfriend. She looks to be your type, and you hers. I will be bringing her here once every week from now on."

Pete then left the two teens in the room alone. The two of them just stood there, in the middle of the room, not making a single sound.

"Do you want to sit?" John finally asks, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

Cynthia nods, letting John lead her to his bed. They sat in John's bed in more silence. They both stared at their feet for a long while, before the silence broke again.

"So, uhm, why are you here, exactly?" John asks.

"Well, my dad and Pete are friends, and they both want me to date and maybe eventually marry you or George. Neither of them really care. I think it's for political power or something." She says. "Why are you here John?"

"George and I were ubducted by Pete and Ivan when I was 6, and George was 3. They told us that they needed help moving something from their house to their car, so we trusted them. We willingly got into their car. We've never seen anyone else besides each other and our captors." John told her.

She just stared at John in shock and in disbelief. She seemed slowly peice everything together. Her expression changed to realization.

"They're going to say that I had found you two or something, and that you and I fell in love when we first saw each other. They are going to have use keep meeting in secret until your supposed 'discovery'. My dad has been talking about running for Senate for something in a few years. This stunt will give him a golden daughter, then support from the people for him because he will publicly accept our love, and maybe publicly broadcast our wedding." She tells John.

"Okay, of that's true, we'll have to sell our relationship. Make them believe that we are actually falling for each other. We might actually have to... y'know... with each other." Cynthia nods in agreement.

"I'll help with a plan for escape for the both of you. I know the lay out of the woods we're in. Where the nearest trail is, where the nearest road is, I can help."

Cynthia had to leave about an hour later. She and John had already started an escape route.

"What do you think of her?" Pete asked John.

"She seems nice. My type definitely." He answered. That seemed to satisfy Pete, who then left.

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