New Life

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George was now eight, John was eleven. Whenever Pete or Ivan would come into their locked "bedroom" to hurt one of them, John did his best to keep their hands of George. Took his beating for him. Neither of them really know the real reason why Pete and Ivan where doing this to them, and them specifically.

The beatings started a year after the two of them were taken when George accidentally dropped a plate, breaking it. Pete exploded, kicking the then four year old George to the ground. In seeing this, John hit Pete. Pete then took out all of his anger on to John, kicking and punching until the seven year old into the bloody pulp.

From then on, they were rarely ever allowed to leave their "room". The space had two beds, a bathroom, and a small TV that only played DVDs. The DVDs that were there where "Young Frankenstein", "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", "Mamma Mia", and "Who Framed Roger Rabbit". After a while, the same four movies playing on repeat gets old.

There weren't any books kept in the space. The only time John could get his hands on one of those rare instances when he leaves the room.

Pete found out about the books that John snuck up here. George guessed he had taken enough to leave notice. Pete blamed George for the disappearing books, and John couldn't save him this time.

Pete gripped a screaming and crying George by the wrist and tugged the sobbing child out of the room. He dragged the small boy down the stairs to the first level, then down to the basement.

The basement was cold, dirty, and wet. There were puddles of muddy water sat under leaky pipes. There was a dirty old mattress sitting next to a pipe near one of the walls. Pete picked up a squirming George and walked him over to the mattress on the floor. He layer the boy down, took out some handcuffs, and changed George to the pipe.

"LETMEOUTLETMEOUTLETMEOUT." George's screams were cut off by a hard slap to the face from Pete.

"You did this to yourself, boy, and you are going to have to pay." Pete barked at George.

"I didn't take the books, I swear, it was John!" George sobbed. "Please don't hurt me."

"That boy up there can't always take the fall for your mistakes. He won't always be there to protect you. Learn to take the blame for your own mistakes." Pete his hisses through his teeth.

Pete then takes a knife out from his back pocket, and opens it. George starts to scream and wave his chained and free arm historically as the knife came closer to him. Pete takes the boys small wrist in his hand and tightens his grip.

Pete holds the blade to the pale skin of the eight year old, then slowly presses in. George screams out in pain. Blood trickles down from the fresh wound. The blade keeps being brought down onto George's skin, each cut as deep of not deeper than the last.

John hears he pained hollers of George from two floors up. It kills him as he hears them grow louder and louder. He never meant for George to get hurt.

"Now, George," Pete scolds once he is done. "You will stay down here for 5 days. No food, just cold, hatd, ice cubes. Whenever you do something wrong, you will be put down here, then you will be cut, and then left down here for as many days suits your crime."

George just whimpers. Pete takes this whimper as a sign of understanding, so he leaves. George hears the door to the basement close, leaving him alone in the cold, dark, and damp basement in torn and bloody clothing.

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