20. 9. 9 (2/2)

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The rest of the stream was fun & chaotic. At one point, Clay & I decided to play truth or dare. It ended when I dared him to drink a full water bottle in 1 chug, him succeeding without any visible struggle.

After that we ended the stream, crashing on the couch, exhausted.
"That was great," Clay exclaimed, bits of vanilla icing on his mouth.

"Yeah. I'm tired." I exclaimed, stretching out my arms in front of me.

For a second there was silence as I looked over to Clay. He was spacing out, seeming oddly distant all of a sudden.
"Hey, are you okay?"

The question seemed to snap him back to reality as he looked up at me shocked, then replaced with his smile.
"Yeah. You should probably head home."

"Yeah," I replied, sitting up from the couch. "I should check up on him."

The blonde nodded, sitting up as well, grabbing his keys off the counter.
Again, he seemed distant. I decided not to question it, he most likely has something he wants to keep to himself.

☁ 〜 * • . • * ~ 〜 ☁

"Zak?" I shut the door behind me, the cold air biting at my skin. It was most likely from the downpour I experience while getting our of Clay's car. "I'm home."

No reply.


Again, silence.
I sighed, running a hand through my hair. Fine, it he wants to be a child he can. I don't want to be near him if he's going to be like that.
I head up to my room, throwing myself onto the bed.

Flickering on my phone, I squinted as the light rayed onto my face. I opened Twityer, scrolling through my timeline. It was full of fans going on about the stream. Happy they finally got to see Clay & I in real life together, the cake, small highlights.
I thought my writing out a tweet, but jnstead turned my phone off & stared into rhe darkness.

Today was okay. Good, even.
Why can't I shake the feeling something isn't right?

"Zak, are you there?" I called out again, sitting up this time.
Some part of me was telling me I shouldn't have second guessed him. No matter how mad he was, he wouldn't not reply if I came through the door. He wouldn't be able to help himself.

I made my way over to the raven-haired's room. Knocking lightly, I asked again.
"Zak, are you in there?"

Again, pure silence.
I hate walking in on him like this, but I really have no choice to enter. He can't just worry me like that.

Turning on the knob, I pushed the door open gently.
His room was the same as always. It'd been untouched in the past few days, no sign of him being here. His phone was even on his desk where he'd left it days before our arguement.

If he was at the hospital, he would have brought it with him. Same with if he was at a friends.
That left me to one conclusion- No.

Zak wouldn't run away, would he?
Why would he?
We just had a small arguement, nothing more. It wasn't like a dent in our friendship.

I pulled out my own phone to check his latest activity.
6:30pm, tuesday

The day of our fight.
Quickly, I dialed the numbers 911 onto my phone.

I can't believe I actually made him do this.
Am I really that bad of a friend?

"Hello, this is 911. What's your emergency?"

"Yes? Oh,.." My voice trailed off as I tried to hold back tears. "My best friend, Zak, is missing."


I gave them all of the info, still trying to keep myself under control from spiraling into a panic attack.

"We'll be right there."

"Thank you."

☁ timeless // 1 (a6d, bbh & skeppy)Where stories live. Discover now