20. 9. 1

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Unfinished tasks
all hiding behind
that cold, stone mask

   6:30pm, tuesday

{ Zak's POV}

"I'm going home for a bit, Darryl."

He showed suspicion, but shook it off.
"Okay, call me if you need anything."

"Will do."

☁ 〜 * • . • * ~ 〜 ☁

Laying on my bed, looking up at the cieling, hundreds of thoughts ran through my head.
It was stupid of me to think he actually ever enjoys me around. I annoy him to bits, he thinks I'm crazy, I am a waste of his time.

That's how it always is, I don't know how I have a community. Is it out of pity?
Most likely.

Sighing, I stood up out of my bed, heading back to the kitchen.
I had unfinished tasks to attend to, secret, dark ones.

☁ 〜 * • . • * ~ 〜 ☁

I really should upload a video now..

t'd been about 3 weeks since I'd had interaction of any sort with my community, surley they would miss me. Somehow, for some odd reason they were the most supportive people ever.

Nodding to myself, I started setting up the things to record.
Mic, check.
OBS open, check.
Minecraft running properly, check.

For a few moments I sat in my chair, staring at my computer screen & wondering what to do.
"Streaming would be so much easier.."

Setting up my webcam, I sat back in my chair & opened up Twitch.
Checking one last time to make sure everything was set, I pressed the "go live" button.

Immediatly the chat flooded with messages, things like "how are you doing??", "are bad & a6d okay?", "are you okay?".

"Hi, everyone." I ran a hand through my hair, just staring at the chat for a minute.

"Sorry I look like crap, haha." I smiled nervously.

"For all of you wondering, Bad & I are okay. We've spent the past.. few days or so at the hospital with Dream. We went to a shop the other day, it was fun. A6d is going to be okay as far as we knew. I am doing just fine."

I covered my mouth with my one sleeve, slouching over in the chair to check the chat one again.
Then putting my hands back to my PC, I winced slightly as the small pain from my wrists.

Before I could cut myself off, the chat started freaking out.

"What was that about?"
"skeppy, show us your arms!"

Mh mind immediatly went into panic mode.
"Guys- no! I am okay! Just an accident that happened in the crash, I sprained my hand a bit. I'm fine, I can play minecraft though. Please, don't worry," I tried my best to hold back tears. "I've missed you guys so much, let's just have a chill positive stream. Okay?"

They still weren't convinced, but went with my wishes.

The rest of the stream I just hopped around the server, until one dono message popped up.

"Please check #loving4skeppy on Twitter. You'll love it."

Usually I wouldn't do things like this on stream, my but the light hearted mood of the time just caused me to want to in that moment. I turned on my phone & opened twitter, immediatly seeing posts from the hashtag come up on my timeline.

"i love skeppy because he is such a hardworking person & supportive friend. seeing him take time off for himself & others makes us more than happy. #loving4skeppy."

"#loving4skeppy the trio deserves more than the world. they do so much for all of us, they deserve each other. they deserve us & everything good."

Scrolling through more, my eyes started to tear up.
"I seriously love you guys so much, you.. " I stopped to sniffle, giggling a bit. "You guys do too much for me. Seriously, you guys have saved me."

The chat flooded with hearts & small comments, all loving.
"I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

☁ timeless // 1 (a6d, bbh & skeppy)Where stories live. Discover now