Chapter 15: Ahead before us

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Hye Joo

Time passed by, we went to a beach and played beach volleyball. This beach was really free. There was no one in the beach and we had the whole beach . I enjoyed the most of today and was really happy to spend a super birthday like this.

Night came and it was dinner time. I was really waiting for the dinnertime because Suho Oppa said that he will say something about his relationship with So Young. I was deadly curious about it. Maybe I can get some advices from So Young like 'how to be in a relationship' and etc.

It was 9:15 p.m while the others came and I saw Kyungsoo Oppa. He was really in a very good mood that he was singing loudly. His voice echoed from everywhere and to be honest, I felt saved


Because his voice is the only thing that is keeping me sane right now. I'm totally whipped for this person head over heels.

They walked to the table but still no sight of Suho Oppa and So Young. I even heard the other members discussing about the same thing. Yizin was like ' I already know about them '

I saw a man with black suit walking towards us and that man turned to be Suho Oppa.

I saw a man with black suit walking towards us and that man turned to be Suho Oppa

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"Oh my God! You're handsome Oppa" I screamed

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"Oh my God! You're handsome Oppa" I screamed. All the EXO members, My Mom and Yizin looked at him in awe.
"Yo! Rich man! What's up with the black suit" asked Baekhyun. Suho stared at Baekhyun and said "Guys! About me and So Young.... I have something to say.... We're getting married tomorrow".

What??? Did I hear it correctly??
Lee So Young is going to marry Kim jun myeon aka Suho the leader of the famous boy band group EXO???

"Hey YOU!! Why are you marrying Lee So Young? You guys just knew each other for barely a day and tomorrow you're gonna marry her?"

And that was the cue time Do Kyungsoo came to me " We need to talk Ji Hye Joo. I'll explain". He took my hand and basically dragged me to his room.

"Suho hyung loved So Young when they were neighbours in Apgujeong...." He continued with their love story and how hardly they are in their decision to marry each other. Even their parents agreed to their marriage and right now So Young went to the mainland with EXO's manager to fetch their parents from the airport.

I am overloaded with all the sudden incidents that took place in this one hour and now I am sitting in my room with my pajamas on in front of the  vanity table. ' So Young-ie is getting married to Suho Oppa tomorrow evening and I never bought anything to wear.'

" Junmyeon hyung!!. I'm very happy for you. Hope you both live long together. Wait! Does the company knows about this?" Luhan hyung asked Suho hyung and members were busily chatting with each other for Suho Hyung's surprise wedding .

The person who was really shocked about this wedding is Hye Joo. Junmyeon hyung was worried that Hye Joo would oppose their wedding. But I explained to her about their story. She was indeed happy for So Young and Jun myeon hyung. She said she is angry with So Young for not revealing her relationship but I consoled her that she didn't tell you because it would end up as a big mess if get to know about this relationship and EXO-L s would be furious. Because of revealing her relationship, So Young could lose her life and the people around her too.

After their wedding we will go to the mainland and return to Seoul after three days. I should confess my feelings before our departure tomorrow. This is the perfect time.

I just love her for being caring for the people around her and she doesn't consider others opinion on how people think about her. But the only thing that comes between us is my career. 

We clearly know that we like each other without even confessing our feelings for each other, but my career as EXO's D.O will spoil our future.

I feel like I want to hold her in my arms, just like earlier in the race. Whenever she blushes because of me, I feel an unknown feeling inside my heart developing from time to time. I wonder where this feeling of mine will end.

I hope I can confess to Hye Joo after Suho Hyung's wedding tomorrow. I even asked the help of Chanyeol and Chen earlier. I sacrificed my pride to get those two dorks to help me with my proposal. I'm not gonna tell Baekhyun because he is a big blabbermouth. Suho hyung is not of great help either. He just hands out his black card out which I can take from his pant pocket myself.
Kris was jumping around happily, he said Jiah is coming for the wedding tomorrow. Jiah could be of a big help because she is Hye Joo's best friend.

The main highlight of the wedding is that no one is going to dress up specially for this occasion. We are asked to attend the wedding in our own regular outfits and the wedding is going to take place in a ship. As expected perfection from Suho Hyung.

Other seniors from our company are also attending the wedding tomorrow evening. I'm not sure with our CEO Lee Soo Man though. I think Ryeowook hyung will come for the wedding and he said he will also help me with the proposal matter.

We already knew about So Young and Suho hyung. They used to fight and date when we were trainees. The only people who never knew about this was Hye Joo and Yizin. They were really shocked when the youngest of them is getting married with an idol. Well, this incident might calm Hye Joo down because she is not the only person who will turn up to marry an idol.

Even if she hates me in the future, I will take all the measures to make her fall in love with me again. I know about her and this will be her first and last time to have feelings for a guy. I will be her first and her forever too.

Dear Ji Hye Joo
Please help me to love you forever
So, hey guys how are you? Sorry for not updating frequently as I'm busy with my academics. Don't be too angry with me for letting Suho Oppa marry. Please do read my story and suggest it to other EXO-Ls
Until then its a bye from your author.

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