Chapter 31

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Draco's pov

Hosuh, Nessy's owl, flew through the window at Black Manor. It was addressed to Alexis and Harry.... but being the magnificent mate that I am, I opened the letter.

Dear  Harry bear and Lexi

Fred and George got turned into a vampire and they were turned by the dark lord who possessed Ginerva Weasly, who just so happens to be Harry's second mate and his dominant dom (When were you going to tell me this exactly?). Also guess what...

As soon as they got to my house last night and they saw me it activated there inheritance and they are fairies... prince fairies. They are the lost fairy twins. (I'm sure Lexi will explain to you har) anyway turns out that I'm a submissive dominant... Sadly.

Reading that last sentence I couldn't help but smirk since she has been making fun of the fact that even though I'm a dominant I'm still someone's bitch.... Which I am not! Anyway...

The Elven kingdom is really nice and you guys just have to come. It's going to be awesome. Hope to see you again soon.

Bye (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Miss you

I got up from my bed in Alexandra's room since Uncle Remus refused to allow Harry and I into the same room when he smelt we mated.(a/n. Did I mention that their scents change when they are mated?) I walked next door and opened the door to an adorable sight. Alexis and Alexandra was cuddling with Yuri and Cam. Alexandra's hair was in pigtails and Harry was taking pictures for blackmail probably. My darling angel is so evil. I love it.

"Harry dear, Fred and George are fairy princes slash vampires."he froze and Alexis and Alexandra shot up and turned to me. You know sometimes I forget that they are wolves.

"What?" I tossed the letter on the bed and they all jumped to read it, while I pet Cams and Yuri's fur and feathers. They need a trim. I should call Dobby , who for some reason is Harry's favorite house elf, and ask him to do it since trimming them is worse than washing them... The scars will fade but the mental scars will never go. 

I was interrupted from the memories of my battles by being shaken vigorously. I turned and saw Harry shaking me with a giant smile on his face, "Fred and George are princes of a powerful warrior kingdom and since thirteen years of their parents not being with them means that the Kings will immediately be wrapped around their finger! Do you know what this means!? If we manage to convince them to join us, not only that if we manage to get in good with their allies then we would easily take down Dumbledore and then by my seventeenth birthday... Things could happen." I immediately understood what he meant by that because by his seventeenth birthday, he will get his first heat and he will be fertile and the thought of him round with my babies should not effect me so easily.

The  door opened and uncle Remus walked in, "Draco I can literally smell your arousal, stop it. What got you so horny anyway?"

"Harry said that once Dumbledore is defeated he and Draco and maybe their other mate, the dark lord apparently, can start a family." Alexandra said which caused Alexis to hit him upside his head.

"Harry, Draco... He's evil. He killed for sport. He killed my best friends and turned my husband against me.... Why?" he said upset but looking closer I could see how his eyes suddenly glossed over.

'Yes, love?'
'I think he is being controlled or something. Look at his eyes.' he looked then nodded. (A/n. you guys know that they can talk telepathically, right?)

"Uncle Remmy, you're right. I'll go tell my father right now that I want nothing to do with such a dark person." wait what. Remus smiled, his eyes still glossy.

Harry grabbed his hand and went off to the lounge and we went to the Anguis manor. Not a moment later, Aunt Rosie and Uncle Nick came downstairs, "Why?"

"Father, I think I no longer want to be mated with the dark lord that's why I brought uncle Remus to tell you that he was the one to make me realize my mistake. It is unexpected, yes but I'm going to need a potion so that I don't feel if I'm being controlled." uncle nick nodded and called a house elf. To make them a cup of tea to "thank" Remus. We watched closely as uncle Remus drank his tea.

"Moomy? Are you OK?" Alexis asked

"OK course, dear."

"I'll call Narcissus just in case life." uncle Nicolas said before walking out. Not a moment later he came downstairs with aunt Rosie and the floo went alight as mother and father stepped out.

"Narcissa, Remus was being controlled we need you to check him. Kids you go upstairs this will probably be boring. " uncle Nick said making us all groan and complain.

Remus pov

After the cup of tea Nicolas gave me, everything seemed to... Clear up.

"Moomy? Are you okay?" Alexis asked.

"Of course, dear." I said making her and her brother smile.

"I'll call Narcissus just in case life." uncle Nicolas said before walking out. Not a moment later he came downstairs with Rosalind and the floo went alight as Narcissa and Lucius stepped out.

"Narcissa, Remus was being controlled we need you to check him. Kids you go upstairs this will probably be boring. " Nicolas said making them all groan and complain.

"Now that the kids are gone, how was he being controlled?"

"Via potion? Maybe even a spell?  I don't know." I said a headache slowly forming. Narcissa nodded and waved her wand over me.

"It seems to be a simple mentis imperium." I sighed relieved since the only side effect would be headaches.

"Now that explains the headache."

"It doesn't explain why I have to be awake at 11 pm!"

"Damn Lucy, you're old. Rosie and I were making out until we heard the floo."

"Why do you think I was so tired, Cissy and I had a joyous work out." their wives hit them in the back of their heads which I'm grateful for since I would have done it instead.

I looked to Lucius, "Could you speak to the Minister about Sirius getting a trial, please?"
Sorry for the late update guys but when laziness gets the best of you and you have Wi-Fi, YouTube, headphones and a flu, it gets difficult to maintain focus.

Also guys, let me tell you a short story: Once upon a time, an annoying little shit asked her parents for a bunny. That annoying little shit was my sister. The parents said yes and bought her a hamster because the pet store they went to didn't have bunnies. Anyway the hamster the parents bought was pregnant and a week later that hamster gave birth. The baby hamsters grew and then there was 5 hamsters... You know what they say about rabbits, right? Well hamsters are the same.

So now I have 23 baby hamsters plus the two mothers and the 1 male(two hamsters died and we put the male that got his mother and sister pregnant, in another box). Guys I basically have 26 hamsters. WHAT THE FUCK MUST I DO WITH THEM!

Bye lovelies.😍😘❤

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