Chapter 15

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I groaned and stood up and there stood, "Draco? WhaAAAAAH are you doing up?" I asked with a yawn

"Its hard."he said. 'oh god please don't tell me he is hitting puberty'

"What?"I looked at him wide eyed. He pointed down and my eyes widened because there stood a little bulge in his pants, 'What child is OK with something like this. Maybe those muggle teachers were right, my child is weird.' "Uhm... Does Harry know about that?"


"Did you have a dream?"


"Was Harry naked?"

"Um... Yes."

"Was Harry under you? "


"We're you putting your penis in and out of him repeatedly?"

"Yes. Is that normal."


"Is that sex?"


"How do I get rid of it?"

"Take a cold shower and go sleep. Tomorrow we'll talk more about this topic." he nodded and went back to his bedroom. I went back and woke Narcissa up.

"Lucy what do you want." she asked annoyed.

"Draco had a wet dream." she sat straight up at that.

"What!?"she yelled.

"Shhhhh, you're gonna wake Orion."

"Did he really have a wet dream."

"Yes he said it was hard and the I asked him if Harry knew about that, if he had a dream, if Harry  was naked, if Harry was under him and if he was putting his penis in and out of Harry repeatedly. He said yes to all... Except about the part of Harry knowing."

"Did this happen now?" I nodded my head up and down vigorously, "What did he say?"

"he asked if it was normal, if that was sex and he asked how to get rid of it?"

"What did you say."

"I told him to take a cold shower, I'm not gonna tell him to grab his dick and start wanking."

"Wait he went back to his room, right?"


"Get up."


"Rosie and I read shota yaoi. They might be doing that kind of stuff."

"What's that?" she reached over and grabbed a little book and I opened to the middle of my book so now I want to bleach my eyes. I will never unsee this. "The fuck are you reading? Wait you said Harry and Draco might be doing this..." I threw the book down and ran to Dracos room. I was about to crash into the room when I saw Nicolas with a glass of apple juice and pickles.

"What are you doing?" he asked curiosly.

"Draco had a wet dream and I just want to make sure they aren't doing anything like the kids in that books."

"Narcisaa showed you the shota yaoi?" I nodded and he hand me the glass and plate. He transformed into his lamia form, opened the door and silently slithered in. He slithered back out with an annoyed look on his face, "They aren't doing anything but Harry is sleeping on top of Draco."he went back to the room Rosie and him were sharing.

I opened the door and saw them sleeping.


They have another mate who is probably as old as me... Maybe older.

I'll kill them.


He's the dark lord.


I walked back to bed feeling scared for my son and his mate now. Harry is the submissive but Draco is the submissive dominant. The dark lord is cruel. How will he treat Harry and Draco?


The moment I've dreaded since Draco was born is arriving. I'm going to give Draco the talk. 😫😓😲😨😒😭

Draco sat down and looked up at me. I opened my mouth but the door opened and Severus and Nicolas stepped in holding a bucket of popcorn, 'fuck..."

"OK so Draco what you had last night is something called a wet dream. A wet dream is an erotic dream of when you are doing something like sex. That caused your erection. An erection is when your penis is hard, like the one you had last nights. Listen, If you ever have sex just use a contraceptive like a condom." while I was saying this Draco was nodding his head while writing the work down.

"In my dream I... put it in Harry's butt. Will it hurt us?" he asked after writing stuff down.

"................. No." this sucks balls. Oh crap oral sex.

"Also... There is such a things as... Oral sex."I heard someone cough and turned to look at Nicolas coughing while Severus was trying not to laugh."Oral sex is basically sex with your... mouth. You can put a penis in your mouth or put your... tongue in Harry."

Draco gave me a disgusted look, "But isn't it dirty?"

"No, not at all. You will enjoy it as much as the person receiving will." Severus said making Nicolas wrap his hands around his neck. 'Thank you Nicolas.'

"Oh so this sex thing feels good?" he is too innocent to have this talk.

"..........yesssssss" I forced out

"OK I'll go try it with harry now." He stood up and was about to exit.

"NO!" Nicolas, Severus and I yelled out making him stop in his tracks. "Draco you are the submissive dominant and the dark lord has been very cruel during the war. I understand that he is your mate but I don't want to know his reaction when he returns and find out that his mate are not virgins. Most dominants get really possessive and rough when they discover that there submissive is not virgin and yes you are a dominant but the dark lord is still more superior to you."

"Ok so I wait until Marvolo gets here before we can sex. How does three mates have sex."
"Fuck this shit I'm out." I said getting up and leaving the room along with Nicolas and Severus.
Honest to God I would have let my child watch porn, tell them to use a condom when they have sex and then I will show them pictures of STDs (diseased genitals) to make sure they stay virgins til marriage and not sleep around. I would be a mother of the olden times and the newen times. Like I'd set up rules you must follow and if they break that rule, I would beat them. Not a love tap or a little smack, I would beat the ever living shit out of them. But I'd let them do shit.

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