Chapter 23

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Soooooooooooooooo.... Y'all too young to read this chapter so maybe you should skip.

Warning: mentions of blood play which is obvious since lamia are usually carnivorous beings and vampires are blood sucker and Draco......... Has to live with it.
Toms pov

Damn they are gorgeous and so pure. Draco has the most beautiful silver eyes and the softest blonde hair. He will obviously be a handsome and strong man but Harry... Damn. He has the most gorgeous forest green eyes that just sparkle with little flecks of purple. I wish he could stay in here and wear whatever I want because he is just walking sin and that ass, he will only get hotter as he gets older. Damn I wanna take him apart and have him scream my name. Wait... How old are they?

"How old are you two exactly." Please say thirteen or fourteen so it doesn't seem weird for a sixteen year old to be going after someone so-

"11 years old." They said simultaneously. Fuuuuuck... I'll have to wait at least two years to do anything to or with them. But then wouldn't my actual self take their virginity by then. I have to think. I have to think. I have to-

"Tom, was it?" Draco asked.

"Yes Draco?" I replied.

"Where are we?" he asked helping Harry off the floor.

"We are in the diary I made in Hogwarts. We are currently in the chamber of secrets."I said smiling.

"Where is the chamber of secrets?" Harry asked and can't his skirt be a little bit shorter?

"It's in the girls bathroom on the second floor, did Master Salazar not show you yet?" I looked at them surprised because Master Salazar showed me within a month of knowing them.

Wait... "Were they constantly rushing off somewhere, biting each other, wearing each others clothes and were they in the kitchen or the pool always?" I asked a little annoyed. Maybe they are the reason I'm acting like this....

"Yes, most of the year actually, how did you know?" of fucking course.

"They are having a fight and none of them wants to admit they are wrong, so they have sex to avoid fighting. Though the longest was about two months. They must be really mad."

They both blushed and Harry asked, "Is that the noises we heard?" I nodded and the blushing got brighter, "Wait... What's a cock ring?"




And your controls outta here!!!!!!

"I can show you..." I said with a sinister smirk and I could literally see the shiver going up there spine.

-yall are too young for this scene soooooooooooooooo timeskip-

I just took the virginity of two eleven year olds and I'm sixteen, practically 90 years old.... I want to regret it but that was absolutely amazing in so many ways. "Fuck that was amazing."

"My bum hurts." Harry said Turing his neck to look at his butt which had at least four bite marks that were dripping with blood and a dozen or so hickeys, his neck and chest was worse and he look like he was attacked by a bear.

"Mine too." Draco was actually worse since I bit him up and had claw marks all over him from where Harry scratched him. Me on the other hand..... I might need stitches with how deep Harry scratched me. Thank God only female and submissive Veela have claws.

Harry suddenly sat up but winced and went back down slowly, "This means we are fully mated right. I'm so happy." Harry said with a bright and innocent smile but that smile just made my down go up real fast. So I would obviously pounce.

-y'all are too young for this scene too soooooooooooooooo timeskip again-

After Harry and Draco took some blood replenishing potions and a pain killer potions, they tied me up and we had a chat. Turns out Harry's favorite color is blue and Draco's is silver, Harry's favorite dessert was treacle tart with blood bomb chocolate and Draco's was chocolate and peanut butter ice-cream (i questioned his taste at that moment). They both have very rare familiar and they are both older siblings. But...

"Remind me again why I'm tied up." I asked.

"As good as mating with each other felt, it still kind of hurt."Harry started.

"And you have no self control."Draco finished.

"Can you blame me? I've been stuck in here for 74 years with only four idiotic geniuses as my companions." I said slightly annoyed that said companions are constantly having sex, so I had to move in here. Wait.... They are the reason I am like this. Dammit... Oh well. It was fun fucking them nice and hard. It was the best fucking feeling. Man I love the feel of them squeezing around my cocks and screaming my name... How drunk is the author right now?

(a/n. Three siders, five punch, three glasses of whiskey and two shots of tequila, I don't understand how I am not vomiting and how I am conscious. I've been drinking since I was 5. I'm used to this shot though. An4d yes I'm 15 turning 16.)

Well then... That explains it.
I need help. I can't be an alcoholic at such a young age. Bye 😍😘💗

Lamia***(Orphaned)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ