19. School

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I wake up in pain, what the hell? A see of red meets my eyes as I try to move. After a while, I realise what is trapping me.

"Saehyung! Karma!" I scream, they both shot up and look around in panic. I sigh, finally being able to breathe. "We have school," I say making them sigh in relief. "We have to be there in 20 mins so get ready!" With that, we all run upstairs to get washed and dressed. I get changed into a white jumper and back jeans. Walking downstairs, I find Karma in a suit and Saeyoung wearing his hoodie and jeans, Tigar hidden in his hood.

"I'm walking to school. I will see you there." I grab my shoes and bag, walking out of the door and walking away from my brothers. I see Yuri standing by the corner. "Yuri?" I call out, he looks up and gasps in shock. He had his hair slicked to the side wearing a button-up shirt. "Alek?" I nod and walk over to him. He places his arm on my shoulder and laughs, "Looking good mate!" I laugh and say. "Not bad yourself."

We walk into school together and Elliot runs up to us. He was wearing a blazer and a button-up shirt with jeans. "I hate when we have to dress up." He mutters to us, I chuckle and say. "Stay strong."

We walk into our classes and everyone was staring at me. I look down and Yuri stands in front of me. "Hide behind me." I nod and walk close behind Yuri. Hearing whispering coming from our classmates. I sit in my seat and the teacher comes in. "We will have two sponsors coming in to seat in with our class." She informs us and two stupid redheads come in. I laugh as I see Saeyoung trying to hide Tigar. "Hello, I'm Karma Akabane. This is my brother, Saeyoung Akabane. Thank you for allowing us to sit in for your class." 

My teacher blushes and nods, "Thank you for sponsoring our school." They smile and Saeyoung sees me. Waving like an idiot. I laugh and wave back. "Ah, that is our new student. He has the highest marks in our school but he's in our class due to his hard time speaking Russian." My teacher informs them. I see Tigar pop out of Saeyoungs hood and sneak over to me. I laugh as I hear a small 'Meow.' Yuri looking at me in shock. "Tigar?" I nod as Karma and Saeyoung walking over to us. Tigar already cuddled on my lap. Asleep.    

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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