Part 12

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"How much will this coast?"  I asked. The vet whispers to the Jane. She gulps and states "11771.16 roubles." I sigh, "That was less then I fought it was going to be." I go over to walk towards the desk. Their eyes were on me as I did. "I'm not trying to be rude, but can we hurry up. My brother was expecting me home an hour ago." I state, Jane runs over to me. She had me the card machine. I just swiped my card; It goes through successfully. I turn around to see everyone staring at me in shock. 

I get my phone out, placing it to my ear. "Karma, Can you pick me up, big brother?" Karma replies, "I'm one minute away from your current location." I smile to myself, "I'm will be waiting outside." I 'hung up'. Elliot was getting helped up by his mother. "Alek," I turn my head to Yuri. "You should keep the cat." I blink, "Sure. I would love to have him." He smiles as he hands me the kitten. "Whats his name?" No one answers. He doesn't have one. "Tiger." I smile. We hear a beep. "Karma, I will be out in a sec."

I shout. "I might see you around," I comment as I walk towards the door, Waiting by the door. "Come on," The all go through the door, Elliot gasps. "Whats wrong?" I ask, "Alek, Come on. Saeyoung is hungry." Sighing, I get thrown a helmet. I roll my eyes as I put the helmet on. "Let's go then," I mutter as I grab his hand. He pulls me up, then speeds away. "Are we keeping the kitten?" He asks me. I nod my head. "Yeah, is that ok?" He laughs, "I've always wanted a cat!"

I shake my head, The little kitten in my top meows. I look down at him, "Tiger?" The kittens tilted its head. I smile and rub his ear. Is this my life now? "Axis, When you two get home. We have pizza for dinner." I hear my stomach rumble. "Karma, Pet store right now!" I shout. He takes a sharp turn to the left, speeding down the road. In three minutes we are at the pet store. "Karma. Ready?" He nods. We take off our helmets and jump off our bike. Karma smirks and picks me up. 

"Karma!" I shout in surprise. The kitten just meows and licks his face. I laugh, He walks into the store. "Hello, Welcome to our shop!" The Friendly male states, "Hello, I have just adopted this kitten. I need some cat food for him, May you help?" The male smiles, "I would love to, May I see him?" I take the kitten from my shirt, Handing her to him. His eyes widen. "How long have you had him?" He states a little glimmer of anger was in his voice. He looked like he was about to call animal recuse on me. 

"He has been in my care for three hours. I was walking down an alley because I heard a scream. There were a bunch of boys beating up a boy who was shielding the kitten. I was able to get them away. We took him to the vets. I was the one to pay the vet bills. I have photo evidence of the kitten and who beat her up. I want to keep her safe." He calms down. "I see, I'm sorry." I shake my head. "I could understand your worry." He starts to look around for cat food. 

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