Part 4

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I walk out of the building and see Taylor in her car. I sigh. As soon as I get into the car, I realised that she didn't bring her weapon with her. " Taylor, What have I told you about not having a weapon on you?" She looks at me and states, "I'm a cop, I can't have weapons on me." I shake my head and state, "Taylor, You being here is a risk. If anyone saw me getting into your car, Who knows how many people want me dead. I don't want to lose anyone ever again I refuse to lose anyone ever again. I have lost too much."

Taylor grabs my hand. "I'm safe now thanks to you. Ben will never hurt me again. I'm sure as hell won't die on you. Who else will annoy you? Now come on. Smile because I promise to you now. I will never die on you. I will never leave you. We only have each other, So let's forget those bad memories and remember the good times. I love you, little sister." She gives me a hug. I rest my head on her shoulder. 

She moves away from me and starts her engine. Her window was down, making her long blonde locks fly behind her. I feel myself relax as soft music fills my ears. Taylor starts to sing to the song. I watched as she made funny faces at me. I chuckle. I didn't notice the black car with tinted windows overtake us. A shiver runs down my spine. Something was going to happen. Taylor smiles at me, "Whats wrong?" She asks. "Taylor be careful, Something is going to happen." her eyes widen. "Close your window." She does as I say. I look behind us; then I hear shattering.

I turn my head, I scream. "GET DOWN!" It was too late. I watched in horror as the Bullet came flying through our window and into her chest. She fell into my arms, with a pained expression. "Taylor!" I scream. She looks at me with tears running down her face. I put pressure on her wounds, as I do she weakly states, "You're bleeding." I chuckle, "It's a scratch." She then whispers, "I'm so sorry Axis, It seems like I'm going to be breaking our promise to each other. Go to Russia and stay safe."

"I love you, Don't leave me!" Her eyes close, I quickly step on the breaks. I call 999 and states "Please help me, My sister has been shot." The lady on the phones states, "Can I have your name and your sisters?" I reply "I'm Maddie James, My sister is called Taylor James. I think she is dead!" She continues to talk to me as I wait with my sister's dead body in my arms. I looked down at her. It became clear, She knew this was going to happen. She was working for them...

Two worlds ❤ Collide| Yuri Plisetsky FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora