Part 14

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"Meow!" What the? "MEOW!" My eyes shot open to find Tiger in my face. Blinking twice, as I sit up. Tiger claws my shirt, making me laugh. "Come on Tiger, Let's go." Tiger meows happily as the kitten jumps into my arms. Standing up from my bed, I walk towards my door and go towards the Saeyoung's room. 

Knocking twice, I enter the room to find my big brother sitting where he has been for the last 8 hours. "You came to see me!" He squeals, "Yes. Look after Tiger for me while I get changed." Saeyoung nods happily, taking Tiger from my arms. I turn to walk away only to find Karma standing there. "Sup?" I shake my head and state, "You're speaking to your boss." He raises an eyebrow then bows in a mocking fashion. 

"I'm going to get changed. Saeyoung, Stay here and find the scum. Karma, Stay here because I don't need attention." He rolls his eyes and states, "You will need to wear your camera contact if I'm not there." I roll my eyes and leave, going to my room and getting washed and dressed. 
I dressed in simple ripped black skinny jeans with a long sleeved red hoodie under a black jacket. I put in my contact lenses making my eyes go slightly paler. Picking up my red converse's and putting them on my feet. "Bye brothers!" I call out to them. "Your bag is by the door!" Karma calls out to me as Saeyoung runs up to me. He gives me a kiss on my forehead and runs back.

"Axis," I turn my head to find Karma standing at the bottom of the stairs. Walking down the stair, Karma looks at me worried. "Nothing will happen to me, If anyone touches me, I will hurt them." He gives me a hug and puts my school bag on my shoulder. "Have fun!" He states, "You too," I reply as I walk out of the house. Keeping my head down, I walk towards the school. 

As I put my hood up, I hear "YURI! WAIT UP!" Someone shouts as runs passed me. Mentally groaning once I realised it was Elliot. Yuri comes to a halt right in front of me, Making me curve him. "WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU IDOIT!" Yuri shouts at him. Not a morning person. "Have you seen Alek?" Elliot asks. "NO YOU ANNOYING HAG." Elliot shakes his head. "Don't be so mean!" 
They ended up walking together. Walking towards the school gate, I walk straight into the school. 

"Excuse me, Can I help you?" A lady with green hair asks me. "Yes, I'm Alek Akabane." Her eyes widen as she states, "You're the new student with the best grades ever seen!" I sweatdrop and state, "Yes, that's me." She gives me a confused look. "Why are you in class C?" I blink, Then state, "My Russian is rusty." She nods, "Have fun son!" She bid me a goodbye while handing me my timetable.

The bell rings, I watch as the once empty halls are now, bombarded with students. Once it gets a little less crowded, I head to my class. The teacher was already in the room, teaching the class. "Today class, We have a new student. I hope you treat him nicely." The teacher pleads with the class. Opening the door, I look at him, he looks at me shocked. "Akabane?" I nod my head. 

"Ok well Introduce yourself." I sigh and walk towards the front. "I'm Alek Akabane," I state in perfect Russian. "Do anyone have any questions?" A bunch of girls hold their hands up. "Sara," The teacher calls on the girl with brown hair. "Why do you have your hood up still?" I cough and state, "I don't like how I look." The girls pout.

"May I sit down." The teacher nods and states, "Who wants Alek to sit next to them?" All the girls raise their hands.  I see one boy who had his hood up. "Sit next to Yuri." I smirk and walk straight towards him. "Sup Yuri." I greet him, Yuri smirks and high fives me. "Not bad, How is Tiger?" I nod "He's good. My brother is looking after him." I state while sitting down.                                                                                                                                                                                           

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