Girls Day Part 3

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Atwater and Burgess actually found a message on the toilet. Written on toilet paper: Greg is innocent. Ty is a murderer.

"After all, we have a name," Kim said.

Also Charlie left the license plate of the new stolen car on the toilet paper. Immediately, the intelligence searches for the car and it was not long before a traffic camera recorded the car at an intersection.

In the back alley they finally found the car.

"The engine is still warm. They need to be close by," Jay muttered as he laid his flat hand on the bonnet. As a precaution, they twitched their guns and slipped into the apartment building.

In the meantime, Charlie was sitting in a rather shabby room. Everywhere there were empty packages of pills, drugs.

"Do you know your father's number by heart?" He asked.

By now they got along really well. Charlie knows he will not hurt her. Since he knows her last name, he keeps emphasizing that her father is the only one who can help him...

"Do I look like a phone book?" Charlie said, "But I know the home number."

He handed her his smartphone and Charlie punched in the number, but no one answered. He was probably looking for her.

"Damn it," he murmured, "Why doesn't he answer?"

"Maybe he's looking for his daughter?" Charlie said.

"He's the only one who can help me," he said desperately, supporting his head with his hands.

"How long do you live here?" She asked curiously. Even a mattress under a bridge would probably be more comfortable.

"A few months," he said. "I lost everything that was important to me."

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said.

"Would you like to have something to drink or eat?" He asked. "Although I don't have good food on offer, I can still serve with cookies and water."

"Yes, please," Charlie said, though she was not hungry or thirsty anymore. The main thing he was busy. "How do you know my dad?" She asked. "Did he put you in jail?"

He laughed briefly, put food and drink on the makeshift cardboard table, and sat down opposite her, "We were in the army together and he got me a job at the CPD."

"But why did you escape from the police?" She asked curiously.

"Do you think you believe a drug addicted traumatized ex-ranger and IT specialist?" He asked. "I don't want to go to jail, but it's not that long ago, I got caught doing some illegal activity. I never hurt anyone, okay? But if they now attach the murder to me, then I celebrate the next birthdays behind bars."

"I'm sure Dad will help us," Charlie said.

"I hope so," he sighed. How stupid could he be and kidnap the child of his former best friend and comrade. He is so afraid that Jay takes it extremely bad that he does not dare to go personally to the 21st district.

"Stop that," Charlie said as she saw him taking more pills again. His hand shook extremely. He was dependent on the stuff.

"There's no other way," he said, taking a handful of the stuff in his mouth.

"I'll just let you go okay? You can tell your dad that you were shopping," he said. Charlie realized immediately that he was now very scared of meeting her father.

"Do you seriously think he believes that?" She asked skeptically.

"I didn't mean to kidnap you," he sniffed softly, "Just go, okay? We forget all this."

"Come with me. We're going to the 21st district. My dad can help us," Charlie said.

He shook his head, "No!"

Suddenly they heard a rustling at the door.

"Chicago PD!", The familiar voice of Antonio sounded and a loud noise rang out. They kicked the door in and barely trusted their eyes when they saw Charlie and the man around the corner.

"Charlie!" Jay shouted, hurrying to her and hugging his little girl. He gave the man no look.

"Are you alright? Did he do something to you?" Jay asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, Daddy," Charlie replied, squeezing him tight. She sensed the great concern and fear of her father.

"Halstead," Voight cleared his throat and nodded over to Greg.

Only now did Jay break away from his daughter and look closer at the guy.

He stared at him, "Mouse?" Jay asked irritated.

"I'm sorry, Jay," he said, "I didn't mean to kidnap her and then I got scared and I just wanted her to go, but she stayed here."

"You?" Jay said horrified, "You kidnapped my child and murdered the woman..."

"It wasn't him," Charlie said quickly, "But he's been building so much shit and taking drugs in the last few months that nobody believes him."

"Why did you run away from us?" Adam asked irritably. "You know us! We would have believed you!"

"I only heard Chicago PD and immediately ran out. I didn't see you," he said, "I'm so sorry! I didn't want to kidnap her, but she just sat in the back seat. I was so overwhelmed with her and then she finally told me her last name and I thought I didn't hear right. I would have brought her back untouched!"

"Atwater, Burgess and Upton have arrested Tyler James," Jay explained, "According to mobile data he was at the scene at the time of the crime. And they have also found traces of blood on his clothes."

"So you believe me?" Mouse asked hopefully.

"Yes," Jay said.

"Dad," Charlie said, "Don't be angry with him, please! He really took good care of me."

"I want you to go into rehab and then we'll see," Jay said.

"Okay," Mouse said, sadly.

"I was very worried, Mouse. I thought my daughter is in great danger. That she might have been murdered," Jay explained, "Why didn't you come to me right away?"

"I could not do it. I was scared, "Mouse said.

Jay personally drove Mouse to rehab. On the way, they hardly spoke to each other.

"It was awful," Mouse said, "overseas. Many dead children and women."

"Why are you went back?" Jay asked. Even then he did not understand the decision of his friend. That's why he'd slipped once before. Only this time he did not get it out of his hole.

"I don't know. I wanted to make something happen," he said and quickly changed the subject, "Your daughter is really cute, but she can really annoy."

"I know," Jay smiled, "Call me when you get sober."

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