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Thank you so much for review! It's a short chapter but the next one will be longer! ;)


He squeezed her hand and leaned over the small body to get close to Hailey. He kissed her hesitantly.

"Jay," Hailey whispered. She was surprised that he did not pull his hand away. She always had a funny feeling in her. That Jay saw her only as a partner and not as a girlfriend. She did not think he would kiss her in the middle of the night.

"I would love to take you in my arms, but a little squirt is in our midst," he whispered.

"That's the worst excuse I've ever heard," she grinned.

"Oh yeah?", their lips met again. Although Charlie was in their midst, they tried to cuddle each other. Jay's hand slid up and down her thigh.

"I love you Jay," Hailey breathed.

"I love you too," Jay whispered.

The next morning she woke up. For a moment, she thought it was all imagination. Jay would not have kissed her. She looked beside herself. Charlie snuggled against her while Jay had her little feet on his chest. It was amazing how a little girl could get so wide.

"Hungry," Charlie muttered.

"Hey my little one," she whispered, "slept well?"

"Yeah," Charlie said, "I can sleep best with you and daddy."

"Do we want to let your daddy sleep and bake pancakes?" Hailey asked. The 4-year-old nodded enthusiastically and hopped out of bed. Hailey followed her into the kitchen.

"Daddy always makes chocolate chips into the pancakes," she explained.

"Yeah?" Hailey asked, quickly taking the chocolate off the shelf. Charlie nodded, satisfied. Hailey put the pancakes, hot chocolate and coffee on a tray and carried it to the bedroom. The scent of fresh coffee and pancakes woke Jay. He smiled to his partner.

"Daddy!", Charlie smiled and fell on his neck, "I slept so well here. Can we have a sleepover here more often?"

Jay smiled. For 2 years, the little girl enriched his life. And he would like nothing better than to share his life with Charlie and Hailey.

"I'm sure Hailey will even stay with us," Jay smirked. His apartment was much bigger and most of all, Charlie had her own bed.

"I like to visit you," Hailey grinned. She understood what Jay wanted out.

"Can I invite my best friend too? Then we can do a real sleepover party!" Charlie rejoiced.

Jay grimaced. He did not feel like having a toddler's sleepover party. Charlie was exhausting enough some days. And then he should take care of two little girls?

"Let's see," he said.

"Maybe you can stay overnight at your friends house," Hailey said. They watched as the little child thought.

"But then daddy can't tucked me to bed and read a story to me," she stated, "I'll never stay anywhere else!"

Jay sighed. In fact, sometimes it seemed to him that Charlie would never want to move out.

"You have stayed at Owen before. Natalie put you to bed and read a story," Jay said.

"She even read us two stories!" Charlie said.

"See," Jay grinned, "I'm just reading you one."

"Your stories are better!", Charlie grinned.

"Oh, you don't even know my stories," Hailey laughed.

Will came over in the afternoon. Together with his niece and Owen he went to the indoor playground. So Jay and Hailey could enjoy their toddler free time.

They kissed deeply, stumbled through the door and landed in bed...

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