Bad Dream

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Thank you all for your reviews! I barely find the time to write because of my final exams. But it's over and I'll updating more often in the future.

It's 2:30. In the dream, Charlie and Jay walk down a long dark corridor. They feel that they are pursued by a mysterious creature. When they reach the end of the corridor, they find an open shaft there. Jay forced Charlie to hide in it, but she refused to let her father go. But the creature came closer and pointed his gun at them...

Restless Charlie rolled in bed back and forth. The dream held her tight.

Quiet cries left her lips and woke her father. Since his time in the army Jay has a light sleep and wakes up with every little thing.

When he heard the screams of his daughter, he jumped out of bed and hurried to her room. Sweat bathed and with a strong beating heart, he found her.

"Charlie! Sweetheart, wake up! "Jay whispered, placing his hand gently on the toddler's shoulder and shaking. A last cry was heard and Charlie's eyes widened. Confused, she looked around. She howled.

"Daddy, you're alive!" She exhaled in relief.

"I'm here, Charlie" Jay said, "Everything's fine."

Her little arms wandered around his neck.

"We have to go. It will come back. Not safe," she sniffled.

"Who will come back?" Jay asked.

"The man without a face," she answered, anxiously pressing her face deeper into her father's chest.

"It was a bad dream. Sweetie. You are safe. I'll protect you, huh," he said.

"You were in heaven. He shot you. We aren't safe," she repeated.

"It was not real. You dreamed," Jay said.

"I don't wanna lose you, daddy! We have to get out of here! He's following us!" she wiped her tears away with her sleeve and reached for her stuffed animal, "We have to go. Not safe!"

Jay took a deep breath. The events a few weeks ago, the little girl took a lot more than he thought. She was still suffering from the fact that he was shot.

"And where do you want to go?" Jay asked curiously. Charlie looked at him, shrugged, and then put on her shoes. Jay agreed with his daughter. He got dressed and left the apartment with Charlie in the middle of the night. She clung to him as if her life depended on him. Jay drove her to the only person who could possibly help them. Charlie still in her pyjama.

So father and daughter were at 3am at her front door. They knocked and rang and a little later she opened the door.

"Jay," she wondered. Her eyes fell on the scared girl, "Charlie? What happened?"

"Bad dream," Jay said. It was enough for her to know that father and daughter needed to stay for the night.

"Do you want a hot chocolate?" Hailey asked. Charlie nodded. They followed her into the kitchen.

"Would you like to tell us what happened in your dream? So Daddy and I can better protect you?" She asked softly.

"He wanna kill us," the 4-year-old said. Jay's heart almost stopped. He still could not believe that Charlie knew those words. Of course, Cop was working on such cases on a daily basis, but he has never said the word kill in the presence of his daughter. He was completely surprised that the 4-year-old understood the word.

"Cece," Hailey said, "Your dad is a detective. And me too. Nobody will dare to hurt you or us. And if they do, then you can assume that Jay and I are backing each other. Nothing can happen to us."

"It will not find us here?" Charlie asked.

"You are safe here. I promise you! "Hailey said.

Hailey provided her bed. They put Charlie to bed and promised to stay with her. The 4-year-old was in the middle and it was not long before she fell asleep.

"Thanks Hailey," Jay whispered, "I didn't know where else to go with her."

"Do you think running away was a good idea? You can't come here every night just because Charlie has a nightmare," she explained.

"You should have seen her," he said.

"I can't blame her," she said. "You were nearly shot before her eyes, Jay."

She, too, felt bad in the first hours and days of news that Jay was in med. Her partner was shot and she was not there. She could do nothing. She should have kept his back safe. On the other hand, Jay also knew that they do not make a solo effort.

"Almost," Jay emphasized.

"There are people who love and need you, Jay," she said. Hailey's hand moved over the blanket and the small body to Jay's.

Reluctantly she reached for his hand. Jay felt her hand and stared in surprise through the darkness at his partner. He wondered if he should pull his hand away...

What do you think? Jay and Hailey? Do you think they have feelings for each others? Will they be a couple? I want your opinions! You decide if they come together or not!

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