Coming Home

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"How are you feeling?" Rhodes asked after completing several tests.

"Tired." Jay mumbled exhausted. He woke up late in the evening.

"You scared the hell out of all of us," Will said, who was standing next to Connor.

"I'm sorry," Jay smirked, playing with the teddy bear for a while.

"Your daughter left her teddy bear here for you." Connor smiled, "She was here every day and played doctor."

"Where is she? Is she alright? "Jay asked worriedly.

"She's with Kim." Will said, "She's very scared."

"I can cheer you up, Jay, it looks like there will be no damage. Staying in bed for a few days and then staying home for 2 weeks should be enough for you to get back to work." Rhodes said and left the room.

"Don't let you shoot again," Will said.

"I'm sorry, Will, but unfortunately it's a job risk." Jay smirked and got serious, "I have to go home."

"Jay, you can't be released. You laid two days in an artificial coma. You should stay here until the end of the week," Will said.


In the morning of the next day, some Intelligence members came to visit. Hank explained to Jay that they found the shooter. He also explained that the man was looking for the drug money. The neighbor's nephew was a member of a gang and hid the money in her apartment without the neighbor knowledge.

Antonio told him how Charlie made a phantom drawing that looked exactly like Kevin. Hailey said that Charlie always slept in the bed between Kim and Adam. Platt told that Charlie spent a day at 51 and would later become a paramedic.

"That sounds really great." Jay said, "Thank you guys for taking care of her so well."

"It goes without saying, after all, Charlie belongs to the family," Kevin said.

At the same moment, the door opened and Kim and Adam entered the room with Charlie. When the little girl saw the wakeful eyes of her father, she was very happy. "Daddy!!!!" Charlie squeaked enthusiastically and fell around her dad's neck.

"Hey sweetie!", His words mumbled into her hair as he placed a gentle kiss on her head.

"I was very worried about you," Charlie said.

"I know, but now I'm back," Jay whispered. He wrapped his arms around her and just held her tightly.

"I missed you so much!" She said.

"I missed you too," Jay said.


The last days until Jay's discharge, Charlie continued to spend the time with Adam and Kim. A huge chaos ruled the apartment. For a few hours, they had not just one child, but two children. Natalie's son, Owen, played with Charlie all over the flat. Together, the children destroyed everything. Owen was two and a half years older than Charlie and therefore already six and a half.

"Not on my blue-ray shelf!", Adam emphasized, trying to keep the kids away from his collection of movies and video games. Owen and Charlie took little interest in Adam's instructions and continued to play with foam balls.

Adam sighed and hugged his girlfriend from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her gently.

"Remind me to always use a condom," he said.

"Are two children too much for you?" Kim laughed.

"No, one child was already too much," said Adam, "Look at the apartment. I can't even find the TV anymore!"

"Maybe that's because the kids built a cave in the living room and the TV should be inside so they can watch a movie," Kim grinned.

"And the pudding is gone all the time," sighed Adam.

"Yeah, but you fetched that up," Kim winked. "Charlie and Owen are eating healthy food." Together with the two children, Kim prepared a fruit salad and within minutes they ate half the bowl.

Charlie and Owen heard the doorbell and hurried to the door.

"Daddy!" Charlie rejoiced and jumped into his arms.

"Be careful, Charlie," said Will, who accompanied his younger brother because he wanted to pick up Owen.

"Hey honey," Jay grinned, tickling her. Laughing, Charlie tried to resist the tickling hand.

"Wow! The mess didn't do Charlie, did you? "Jay asked, looking around the devastated apartment. Even Charlie's first week with him, the apartment was cleaner. Everywhere there were clothes, pillows, blankets, toys or empty packaging.

"Do you think I can ruin a flat within a week?" Charlie asked indignantly.

"It would be possible," Jay winked.

"Don't worry, the clothes and trash belong to Adam," Kim laughed.


The next two weeks Jay stayed at home. He enjoyed the time with his daughter. But as nice as these 2 weeks "sick leave" were, the work is waiting...

"Charlie, put your shoes on we have to go!" Jay said annoyed. That morning the child went through the apartment in slow motion. She did not dress voluntarily, nor did she eat properly. It took her 15 minutes to brush her teeth.

"I'm already there," she said, pulling her sneakers with the laces.

"Come on, I'll do it," Jay said, squatting down to her and grabbing the shoelaces.

"No! I can do it myself," she pulled her foot away and tried to tie the shoe, but no matter how she tried, a bow never came out of it.

"Charlie! We have to go now. Either I tie your shoes or you walk in socks to school." Jay said. He certainly did not want to be late on his first day after the accident.

"Daddy, my tummy hurts!", Charlie quickly wrapped her arms around her stomach and made a tormented impression.

"You know we'll have to go to the hospital and then you'll get a big injection again!" Jay said. He did not believe the number of his daughter's stomach ache at all.

"Can't we just stay here?" She asked hopefully.

"You don't want me to go to work, huh?" Jay asked softly and took her tiny hand in his.

"I don't want that to happen to you again!" the 4-year-old said and tears rolled down her cheek.

"I promise you, nothing will happen to me. I have great colleagues who take care of me, "said Jay.

"I won't let you go!", Charlie wrapped her arms around her father's neck, which now took advantage of the hour and placed the child on his hip so that he could carry her. He picked up his junk, Charlie's bag and her shoes.

"Daddy! I want to stay with you! "She sniffed.

"I know, but it doesn't work. I have to and I want to go back, Charlie," he said, placing a kiss on her forehead, "I can promise you that I'll do my best to come home every night!"

"You promise?" She asked, wiping her tears off with her sleeve and holding out her little finger.

"Yeah I promise you!" Jay said, hooking his little finger to Charlie's.

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