"Whatever you say Casanova." I say while we walk down the stairs. He chuckles and grabs my hand as we walk out the door.



We walk into Josh's house, holding hands. Sara was sitting on the couch reading some book. She sees us and smiles.

"Well well well. If it isn't the couple of the hour." Josh tightens his grip on my hand.

"Hey Sara." Josh says casually, as we sit down across from her.

"What's up?" She asks.

"Well..." I say, nervously looking at Josh. "Can you keep a secret?" She nods. "Like a really big secret?"

"Yes! Now tell me before I go crazy from the suspense." I swallow hard.

"Well... Uhm... I'm uh... I'm... Pregnant. " Her mouth drops open.

"With my kid. To clear things up." Josh says.

"What?" She says as she stands up. "Are you serious??" I nod. "What the hell you guys?!"

"Look it was an accident. It's not like I want a kid at 17." Josh states. She rolls her eyes.

"That's no fucking excuse!! Jesus Christ you guys! I thought you were both smarter than this!! Joshua, mom and dad are going to freak out on you!" Josh nods.

"Yeah.. I know." He says looking at his feet.

"Fucking hell Josh. Since when did you two start having sex for God sakes?!"

"Well... When Jess got back from Toronto.. We uh.." She holds her hands to her ears.

"I don't need the details! One: you should have used protection. Two: you two are going to be in a lot of shit. Jess I know your mom and dad will freak out. Josh, holy shit man, I wish you good luck with mom and dad. They're going to be on your case all the time." We both nod.

"Yeah... We'll have to tell them soon I suppose."

"Yes you will. If you don't, you'll start to show and people will get suspicious." I nod. She begins to go downstairs.

"Hey Sara?" I call.

"Yeah?" She replies.

"I'm not pregnant." I hear footsteps running towards us. I see Sara shaking her head.

"You little shits. I was so fucking pissed. You guys suck." Josh and I laugh our asses off, while Sara just stands there with her arms crossed. But she eventually came to her senses and began to laugh with us.

"So have you two actually had sex yet?" Josh chokes on the water he was drinking. I laugh.

"Why would you even ask that Sara?" Josh manages to say.

"Because I can. Now answer me."

"No we haven't. But it is April Fool's so we might as well screw with someone's head." I joke. She shakes her head.

"I'm glad you were lying. Josh would be a terrible dad."

"Hey now." He says, obviously offended by her comment.

"You would feed your kid KD and grilled cheese all the time and you'd let them run around the streets." He chuckles.

"I'd be watching them as they run around the street. I'm not that horrible." We all laugh. But in all honesty, Josh would make a great dad. Of course, once he got used to it.

"Now that you're done fucking around with my damn head, I'm going to Lauren's house. I'll be back late tonight." She says walking towards the door. She walks out. But a few seconds later she pops her head in.

"Oh and Josh?" He looks at her. "Don't get Jess pregnant or make too much noise. We do have neighbors." She says while winking. Josh blushes.

"GO AWAY!" She chuckles and closes the door.

" 'Don't make too much noise Josh'. I love your family dude. Especially your sisters." He rolls his eyes.

"First of all: not making noise is my specialty. Especially when my parents are home." He says winking. I roll my eyes and laugh. "Second of all: my family is weird. I don't know what you see in them sometimes." I laugh again.

"Well, it's not awkward to make dirty jokes around them because they usually have a comeback to it. My family would just stare and be like 'uh okay'. Well Mason would laugh but my parents not so much." He nods.

"Well enough sex talk........ For now at least." He says before he winks at me. I smirk. "Let's go downstairs and do something."

"Whoa I thought you said you were done with sex talk." I joke. He rolls his eyes and laughs.

"Come on Caplan. We'll start our horror movie marathon early." I nod as we walk downstairs.


Two updates in a week. I'm on a roll! Haha.

This chapter isn't too shabby. Is this chapter long, or is that just me?

Leave feedback please:)

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Thanks for reading:)

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