
214 12 7

Monday 20th November 2019

Newton: happy 3am

Tommy: you are strange

Newton: tommy! you should be asleep!

Tommy: says you

Newton: well i was studying
Newton: you have no excuse

Tommy: i was texting someone

Newton: you texted someone other than me at this time?
Newton: i feel offended

Tommy: the only difference is i want this person im texting to leAVE ME ALONE

Newton: tell them to fuck off

Tommy: yeah but im nice

Newton: fuck being nice
Newton: who is it?

Tommy: my ex boyfriend

Newton: what does he want

Tommy: he wants to get back with me but apparently me calling him a lying cheating skank isn't clear enough

Newton: he cheated on you
Newton: whats his snap

Tommy: if i give you it you'll go EASY on him?

Newton: totally

Tommy: adammurphy74

n.07.09: leave thomas the fuck alone

adammurphy74: who are you

n.07.09: a friend

adammurphy74: and?

n.07.09: Thomas doesn't wanna get with you be your fuck buddy whatever you're trying so go away

adammurphy74: you can't control me. I can text him if I want.

n.07.09: wanna bet
n.07.09: leave him alone or I swear to god i will find you and teach you a lesson

adammurphy74 blocked n.07.09

Newton: well i spoke to him

Tommy: yes
Tommy: adam is telling me all about 'my rude friend'

Newton: dickhead

Tommy: but seriously
Tommy: thank you

Newton: why? i was just rude to him

Tommy: but he got the message and he's leaving me alone

Newton: yayyyyyy

Tommy: goodnight newt

Newton: sleep well tommy

im a big ol' piece of shit. okay but like-
me 🤝 saying to myself I'll update and never doing it.
enjoy life stay in school bAI

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