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Newt's legs dangled over the edge of the wall. He looked down at his pills, giving them a disapproving grimace. He placed them in his mouth, downing them with beer. He knew mixing alcohol with his pills was probably a bad idea, but he didn't care. He looked at the sign on the door, checking he was at the right place.

He looked down at his phone, to see he had a notification from Thomas.

Thomas Greene: i just got inside :/

Newt looked up shock on his face.

Newt: im the twerpy blonde sat outside

Thomas Greene: hey be nice to yourself

Newt: what like you were nice to me?

Thomas put his phone in his pocket, shame washing over him. He knew he messed up, and because of that Newt probably felt so much worse about himself than he did before. But he knew he had to do something about it. Newt was his friend, no matter what Thomas wanted, he was a friend first.

He sipped on his hot chocolate, it almost slipping out his due due to the fluff on his mittens. As he stood up, he started to worry. What if Newt hated the way he looked too? Maybe he would think his braces looked stupid. What if he were to never forgive him?

Thomas shook his head, trying to shake his thoughts away. Newt was Newt. The sweet, kind, funny, sarcastic Newt that he adored.

He walked past the other booths, and out the exit, the small bell ringing as the door opened and closed. He looked either side of him at the tables set up by the place.


Thomas felt his breath catch and his heartbeat speed up. He slowly turned around, looking at the broken boy.

Thomas couldn't see why he hated himself. He was beautiful. He had dirty blonde hair, sat atop his head. It waved over his chocolate brown eyes and his lips were cherry pink. He was tall and slim, but Thomas saddened when he looked closer. He looked rough. He had dark circles under his eyes, one of which was bruised black and blue. He had a cut on his lower lip and a small gash on his temple. Thomas felt his heart drop.

"You gonna start talking or am I gonna stand here like a twat while you stare at my injuries?"

This is gonna be more difficult than I thought, Thomas thought to himself.

"Newt, I'm-"

"Sorry, yeah I wonder why." Newt folded his arms over his chest, and Thomas looked down at his feet.

"I didn't know it was you-"

"That doesn't make it okay. At that point, when I tried to," he paused for a moment, taking in a short breath, "kill myself - I wanted nothing more than that. You don't know how terrible it is to feel like that. Even if it wasn't me, you shouldn't say things like that." He blinked quickly, tears threatening to spill.

"I'm sorry, truly. Newt you are amazing, the worst things happen to the best people. I'm sorry."

Thomas looked him in his eyes, but he saw no life looking back at him.

"I don't want your sympathy. The only thing I wanted was some love, but even y-you just—" Newt stuttered, as the tears were beginning to drip down his face.

Thomas walked towards him, putting a soft smile on. "Hey hey hey," he put his arm around Newt's shoulders, the other boy flinching at the sudden touch. "I won't hurt you. Not again."

Newt smiled at him, feeling quite content. Thomas softened as he felt Newt relax and speak up, "So, wanna go for some food?"

"No way!"

"Yes way! She just walked past like," Thomas pouted and pretended to wear a handbag, "you aren't good enough for this place! I demand you to leave!"

Newt burst out into laughter. "So because you wore a rainbow shirt, she said you shouldn't be in her class?" Thomas nodded as Newt stared at him in disbelief.

"Homophobic bitch." Newt clutched his stomach and wheezed.

"Ya know Tommy, I don't think I've had this much fun in a long time." Thomas felt himself blush, and could tell Newt had noticed.

"Wow, I thank you for your company and you blush? Nice one." Newt smirked at the brunet who's head was buried in his arms in embarrassment.

"I'm a very blush-y person, I can't help it!" Newt just laughed at him as he kept blushing.

Thomas waved his hand over to the waitress to come and pay.

Thomas awkwardly waved at her before speaking. "Hi, uhm, can we have the bill please."

"Yes, paying together or separately."

"Together." Both boys replied in unison, then both looked at each other and laughed.

"I'll handle the bill." Newt gave the girl a smile, getting his wallet out his pocket, before she went to collect the card machine.

"Newt it's fine I'll pay." Thomas tried pushing Newts hand down, to put his wallet back in his pocket but the blond remained persistent.

"You made me feel nice today, better than I have in a long time. I will pay."

"I'm the one who made us come here. I'll pay."

"Don't be silly, I was a dick over the phone. I will pay."

"Yes you were a dick but so was I! I can pay."

"Yes but-"

The waitress cleared her throat before interrupting their bickering. "I love how cute you guys are but it's getting annoying so how about you just pay for each other's meals?"

Newt shrugged and Thomas gave the waitress a soft smile. Newt took another sip out of his glass of water after they had payed and Thomas just waited for him to finish.

"You guys are so adorable, how long have you been together?" Newt slightly spat out his drink and Thomas chuckled.

"We aren't dating, Newt's way too good for me."


but like, it's my 14TH birthday (woohoo) so i decided to post a short chapter love you guys mwah

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