
238 11 39

22nd November 2019

Newton: sooooo hows life

Tommy: tiring. let me sleep.

Newton: I get that that it's 5 in the morning but damn that was harsh
Newton: you even put punctuation :O

Tommy: sorry
Tommy: it's Adam

Newton: that's it hes having a face pounding

Tommy: no no no he did leave me alone it's just that I've found out some things that I didn't necessarily want to hear

Newton: tommy what's wrong?

Tommy: he cheated on me
Tommy: multiple times
Tommy: with multiple people
Tommy: for a year

Newton: that's it hes dead

Tommy: noooooootie

Newton: did you just-

Tommy: yes

Newton: that still isn't stopping me
Newton: very random and irrelevant question where does adam live?

Tommy: nOt happening

Newton: okay at least give me the school

Tommy: Acurn High

Newton: wAit
Newton: the school near Langdon?

Tommy: the heaven for rich snobby nerds who don't care about anyone other than themselves?

Newton: uhm.. the school past Ebbing Street?

Tommy: omg that's the one
Tommy: it's so weird there

Newton: why?

Tommy: they're so focused on the negative things
Tommy: so like
Tommy: they have these weird motivational speakers
Tommy: apparently it's cos some kid tried jumping off a roof
Tommy: like
Tommy: why the sChool roof
Tommy: the guy was obviously gonna get caught
Tommy: i remember seeing about it on tv
Tommy: i got kinda freaked out
Tommy: like
Tommy: it was way too in detail
Tommy: i don't wanna know about a weirdo who smashed up his leg
Tommy: i just think rich people think they have such AWFUL LIVES
Tommy: oo im sorry you have everything you could ever want



Thomas Greene: newt?


I have the flu rn and I wanna diE. enjoy this chapter ;)

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