Two Sides - Annie LeBlanc

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Karlie's POV:
I asked Taylor what she was doing here and all she replied was that she wanted to know how I felt about her. I knew how I felt about her but I'm married and I'm not going to profess my love to Taylor.

"I wanted to know did you fake being in love with me and if it was real,what went wrong?" I was shocked at her boldness,she had always been bold but this took the cake.

"I have never faked any of my feelings for you Taylor,I truly love... loved you and I don't know what went wrong, if I'm being honest with you" my tongue had slipped and I almost told her that I still loved her, which I didn't even know if I still do.

" Well, despite you not loving me anymore Karls, I still love you, I adore you with every fiber of my being and it's not going to change anytime soon" I struggled to keep my blush at bay,not wanting to show any hint of feeling left for her.

"Taylor, that is really sweet and thank you for saying that but I don't feel the same way anymore,there was a time that I loved you but I don't anymore, I hope we can be friends someday but I can't love you the way you love me" it hurt to say that but it had to be done.

"It's okay Karls, I'll wait for you,maybe someday my beautiful butterfly will return to me" I was on the brink of tears and I had to turn my back towards her.

Taylor's POV:
I confessed my love for her and she shot me down, it hurt but I knew she still had feelings for me.

She turned her back towards me and I saw smoke coming from the kitchen and I stormed past her to see the stove covered in smoke and when I opened the oven,whatever was in the oven,caught fire and my jacket caught fire with it because I was stupid enough to try and take it out of the oven.

Karlie starting hitting me with a washcloth to kill the flames but it didn't help but their fire alarm went off and the sprinklers killed the flames.

I laughed and slid to the ground,sopping wet and I just rested my arms and head on my knees as I hugged them to my chest.

Karlie slid down next to me and looked at me concerned as my laughter turn silent and tears came down my face, which was barely visible because of the sprinklers still spraying water down on us.

Karlie scooted closer and held me,which was comforting but still hurt like hell. She stood up to turn off the fire alarm and get us towels.

I stood up and headed towards the door,when she grabbed my wrist and told me not to go. I turned around and asked her to give me a good reason for me to stay because right now I didn't have any reason to stay here.

She pulled me closer and stared deep into my eyes and I felt like I was drowning in those deep blue orbs of hers.

A/N Hey guys!!! Thank you for the support so far, I appreciate you all very much. Sorry for taking so long to update,we got into a car accident and it took some time to process but we're all okay❤️ I would love some feedback on the chapters if some of you would like to give some, I would appreciate it a lot.

I hope you all enjoy your day or evening.

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