Cornelia Street -Taylor Swift

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Taylor's POV:

It's been three weeks and the writing to my new album has been going really good, I wrote Cornelia Street as a tribute to me and Karlie but people would never know.

Jack came over and helped with some of the lyrics, never admitting that it was about Karlie but rather said that it was written about Joe.

I had lied about this relationship so much, I knew I wasn't over Karlie but I knew that we were over so I had to move on too,even if it hurt me so much.

I also had a rough written piece for Death By A Thousand Cuts and my heart hurt each time I heard it or had to repeat it to complete the song and I had to fake my smiles to refrain from showing my feelings.

When Jack Left, I slumped to the ground and rest my forehead on my knees and sobbed,tired of the charades and all the fake smiles.

I had to call my mom, I missed her and needed to confess my feelings to someone.

The phone rang twice and Austin answered , I was still sobbing and couldn't control my shaking.

"Hey sis,what's wrong?" Was all he said and I didn't know what to say.

"You obviously called for mom but she's not here right now,she forgot her phone at home,maybe I can help,would you like to talk about it?" and immediately I poured my heart out. Telling him about Joe and my feelings for Karlie and that I saw she got married and didn't even invite me. I could hear his slow breathing and it calmed me to the point where I had stopped shaking and was only slightly crying.

He changed the call to FaceTime and it felt like he was there with me. I had shut most of the people out after my Reputation era because I felt stabbed in the back, judged and violated. So I thought it better to just shut most people out.

"Tay,it's okay,she was the one that stuck with you through all the judgement and heartache and you loved her or let's rather say you still love her"

"That's the thing Austin, it's been so long and I still love her,how long until this wound heals,until all these wounds heal?"

"Wounds like these usually don't heal,they just get bearable,one day you will love her less and it will get better"

" I wrote a song for her,well a few actually,would you like to hear them?"

"What kind of question is that,of course I would like to hear them" I felt so proud,he had a way about him that made me feel proud of everything I do ,I couldn't have asked for a better brother.

So I played Cornelia Street and Death By A Thousand Cuts to him and he smiled.

" You know what sis,the person who gets to call you theirs will be very lucky because you are such a good and loving person!"

I softly smiled and thanked him and soon enough our conversation relaxed and he had to go.

After he hung up, I felt better and I got some sleep,sleep where I wasn't haunted by me and Karlie.

A/N There was an update to Chapter one for those who read it. I hope you enjoy the story so far.

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