The Decision

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      He made Yunlan go back to his seat while he talk to his Didi at a deserted room.

     "When did you like Yunlan?" He ask calmly. "I'm sorry Gege! I didn't know I'm falling for him. Ever since he change! I feel attracted to him. "Leave! I will find you a better apartment! Just don't go back to the house with me for a while!" He said.

     "What?! But that's our house!" Said Yezun. "Then maybe we should leave, pick one Yezun! I can't see you get close to Yunlan! You know how much I love him!" Said Shen Wei. Yezun have no choice but to follow his Gege's order.

     Moment pass, as they finished they're work.  When Yunlan saw Shen Wei without his brother, he felt something gone wrong but he just went silent and waited for Shen Wei to tell him.

    As they were walking toward the park. When Shen Wei lead him to sit on a wooden bench. He suddenly lean his head on him. Yunlan also lean his head while embracing Shen Wei on his shoulder. "I let Yezun leave the house." As he was about to cry. "Is it my fault?" Yunlan ask.

     Shen Wei shake his head. "No! I just don't want the problem escalated! Do you know he likes you too?" As he looked to Yunlan's face, " Yes, he kiss me last night when I'm drinking the water and I accidentally spilled the water on my pajama shirt. He just came back and suddenly kiss me." That made Shen Wei pop his eyes off. "Don't worry I shoved him away. I thought that his drunk or something? Thats why I didn't tell you, until it happened again. I'm sorry I don't want you two to fight because of me!" As he rubbed Shen Wei's shoulder.

    Shen Wei back away a little. "Do you have feelings for him?!" He suddenly ask. "No! I just only see him as a bratty little brother! That's all!" Said Yunlan. "Hey! My Didi is not a bratty! Maybe a little?" As he lean back to Yunlan.

     Yunlan almost thought Shen Wei would leave him because of Yezun's kiss. As he relax and lean back his head to him. "Where would Yezun go?" Yunlan ask. "To one of his friend for a while until he find a place to stay." Said Shen Wei.

     "Are you sure it's alright I stay and not Yezun?" As Yunlan got worried. "Yes! I made him choose to leave or will leave and he choose to leave." He said.  "Thanks for choosing me!" Said Yunlan. "Because I don't want to loose you Yunlan!" He suddenly embrace him and cried on his shoulder.

     When they came back at the house Da quing told to them that Yezun took his things and went away. "Da quing please don't mention Yezun name to Shen Wei." Said Yunlan. "Why?" He ask.

     "They have a fight over me, so please!" As he follows Shen Wei back to his room. Who feels gloomy for loosing his twins. Yunlan comfort him by laying beside him and envelope him to his embrace.

     Da quing on the other hand went outside to find Yezun. He don't know why he felt worried until he saw Yezun talking to someone. "Zhuiji!!!" Said Da quing to himself.
"Wait! I saw Zhuiji been killed by Yunlan, how the heck he live. As smoke came around them and before they disappered Da quing  jump toward Yezun. Pulling him in the portal as well.

     When he saw himself in an abandoned factory. While Zhuiji tied up Yezun with it's power. "See if that pure soul will trade himself to have you back!" As he laugh. "You won't get my Gege! He'll fight you!" Suddenly Zhuiji pulled a strand of hair making Yezun shout in pain.

      Maybe this is enough proof for your brother to know that I have you!" As he laugh and left. Yezun tried to take off the rope with his power but he can't reach it. Da quing came and tried to scratch it with his powerful paw but it only backfired at him. "Da quing! Go and tell to my Gege what happened!" As Da quing nod and disappeared.

     When a knock heard from the door, Yunlan is first to open it since Shen Wei is little bit upset. As he opened its  Zhuiji right infront of him. Zhuiji got scared because it's Yunlan. But was surprised as he didn't know him. "Yes, what did you want?" He ask. "Why?! Yunlan don't you know me?!" He ask.

     Yunlan scrunch his face and said, "No! Do I have too?" Yunlan ask. That made Zhuiji smile widely. "This is like hitting two birds with one stone." Minute pass, Shen Wei notice Yunlan didn't came back. As he stand up and tried to find him. Only seeing the door is open and one of Yunlan's slipper is only thing that left by him.

      Shen Wei suddenly panic, as he called Yunlan outside of the house only to see Da quing running toward him. "Zhuiji is alive! And his got Yezun!" But as he saw Yunlan's slipper being carried by Shen Wei. "No!!! He also got Yunlan?!" Ask Da quing.

     When Zhuiji came back. Yezun was surprised, "Look here! Little one I found another companion for you!" As he laid the unconcious Yunlan on the table. "Yunlan! What have you done to him!" He shout.

    " The master would be please knowing I got his general back plus the pure soul!" As Zhuji laugh. Yunlan laid unconcious as Zhuiji suddenly made him wake up, "Rise general! I want you to meet your real enemy!" As Yunlan float in mid air and suddenly change his clothes into the general of the underworld. "We're is that man that deceive me!" As he shout.

     Suddenly Shen Wei and Da quing came. "There my general! That man disguise as a woman and trick you into loving him!" Zhuiji shout. "That's not true Yunlan! You love me truly!" Shen Wei said. "That's true Yunlan! I'm your partner! Don't you believe me?!" As Da quing transformed into a young man.

     Da quing why are you with the enemy!" Yunlan ask. "Shen Wei is not your enemy but Zhuji!" As he pointed a finger on him.


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