The Treacherous Bride

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     As days pass by Shen Wei have fallen deeply in love with Kunlun. Kunlun would always visit and talk a little while his giving him gifts and flowers. As a sign of his love and devotion.

     His Didi and jiejie(elder sister) noticing it that Shen Wei is loving every moment Kunlun with him. He suddenly wanting to touch him sometimes in the hand or wiping something off on Kunlun's face, making her sister jealous. "It should have been me there!" She internally said. That made Yezun look at her with surprised. "Remember jiejie! He would be killed in their honeymoon! No need to get jealous on Gege?!"

    While Shen Wei and Kunlun are walking in the garden. Kunlun gave Shen Wei a red flower and place it on his head. "Your so beautiful! Shengyi! No one can compare to your beauty! I think I might fall in love to you over and over! And tomorrow will be married and be one!" As he took his hand and kiss it.

    Shen Wei got worried, "The wedding! How did I miss it! He will be killed in our honeymoon!" He whispered to himself. He almost fall, for his heart will break if he would be killed tomorrow. Kunlun caught him. "What's the matter?!" He ask suddenly.

     "Don't marry me please!" As he wrapped his arms on him. Making Kunlun red. There's a tradition that you cannot touched a woman if she's not yet your wife. "Look don't be stress on the wedding?" As he was about to removed his hold. But Shen Wei tightly hold him.

    "Shengyi? Don't you love me? That's why you don't want to marry me?!" He ask. "I love you Kunlun! So let's run away! I don't care if you didn't marry me! Let's leave everything! Please!" As he suddenly kiss him passionately. Making Kunlun blushed furiously. He suddenly pushed her gently. "Shengyi.... I can't do that! And beside the people need us! If your stress in being the queen! Don't worry I'll handle everything you just sit there and rely everything to me!" Kunlun can't understand why Shengyi is saying this things. Shen Wei suddenly got an idea, he suddenly pulled Kunlun to a remote area in the garden and stripping his clothes one by one. Kunlun eyes went wide as he tried to stop Shen Wei on taking his clothes off.

    "Shengyi! What are you doing?! Are you going mad?!" As he tried to stop him. "Kunlun! Made love to me right now!" He beg him. Kunlun suddenly put his robes back. "Shengyi! I love you! I won't tarnished you here! I would marry you first then make love to you! My love for you is sincere! And your father will be quiet mad if I take you here right now!" As he caress Shen Wei's face. He can't understand why Shengyi is crying in his arms until the wedding day came.

    While Shen Wei is preparing for the wedding. He was surprised his jiejie came. "Didi! I will replace you now! Since we notice your having a feelings with king Kunlun." Said the real Shengyi. Shen Wei want to protest but the guards took him away and place him in the dungeon. "No! Please! Don't kill Kunlun!" Shout Shen Wei but no one heard his plea.

    On the other hand Kunlun we'd his sister Shengyi. Kunlun was so happy and kiss Shengyi. While Shen Wei cried and feeling miserable in the dungeon. When the honeymoon came tragedy struck. And the next day Kunlun lost his life.

    Yezun hurriedly went to the dungeon to tell the good news that king Kunlun is dead to his gege. But he was shocked his Gege hang himself using the veil. He shout to the guard to help him take down his Gege. Moment pass, Shen Wei was brought to his room to be save by the doctor but it's too late. Before he died he called Kunlun's name for the last time before he close his eyes forever. His father can't believe it the celebration of king Kunlun's death became a tragedy as Kunlun took his eldest son's life as well.

     While Kunlun's soul came to the underworld. The devil laugh, "Pitiful human what is your wish?!" He ask. And gave him the contract to sign. "To find the vixen who ruined my life! And I want revenge!" He shout as he sign the contract. "Your mine now little soul and I'll give you what your wish for!" Said the devil. But unknown to him the soul of Shen Wei have been protected by someone above. The devil was furious, Kunlun's soul will never be his until he find that wretched soul. But the angels won't give it to him. "Then lets have a bet on what will Kunlun do if he found that woman again!" As the devil didn't know the soul his searching is a man not a woman. That someone above agree. As time pass by they didn't recognize each other. While Kunlun name change into Yunlan, who became the general of the underworld and have the will of his own since the contract is void and because the woman his searching for is not yet found. Until he bumped into Shen Wei again.

*End of Flashback*

     While Da quing eating the fried fish the only thing he said to Shen Wei is Yunlan is trying to find the woman who ruined his life in exchange for Shen Wei's soul.

    "I can't believe Yunlan have a tragedy past!" He said. "Yes that woman is a witch! She broke my partner's heart! If I saw her I will give her a swing and a huff and puff and there!" As Da quing demonstrating it to Shen Wei, making him laugh.

     As Yunlan came to the dining table to give them foods. They suddenly became silent, making Yunlan wonder what are they talking. "Okay....? What are you two talking about?!" He ask. "Nothing both of them said in union. "Okay....? I never seen you two both agree on something?" As he think.

    Shen Wei suddenly doing his doe eyes, "Yunlan! Do you love me forever!" He ask. Yunlan suddenly lean his face to Shen Wei and captured his soft lips. "I love you forever! If you want me to say that everyday, then I will do it!" While nuzzling his nose to Shen Wei's nose as well. "Then forget about that woman and concentrate only to me!" He suddenly said. Making Yunlan surprised and look angry at Da quing. Who by the way is backing away slowly so Yunlan might not find out his leaving.

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