Chapter Fourteen: Pillow Talk and Rihanna

Start from the beginning

Was it wrong that despite knowing more about the man than he would have liked, he wanted to slam his fist in Randolf's face to help erase that over confident smile? Well, it wasn't necessarily a good idea.

There was a man he'd never understand. He had all the money and success he could possibly want in the world, but he acted like Rain hardly existed. Randolf Sullivan seemed to forget he had a daughter living under his roof, and last night had proved just how little he cared for her outside of the public eye. He'd spoken to Isa before heading into his Den to work some more, but he hadn't even offered Rain a good night.

No wonder she carried herself in a glass case. Who could blame her when there was no one to care in the slightest?

Tilden was going to have a field day when Teagan finally submitted his analysis on Gray's Ice Queen. There was so much more to the woman than what met the eye.

Teagan smirked as he reached up a hand to trace the smooth, rosy skin of her cheek. Miss Romero's attempt to help Teagan find purpose had actually been a window to help bring him into direct contact with the violet eyed beauty he couldn't seem to shake.

Her lashes fluttered as his finger brushed a strand of golden brown hair away from her eyes. She smiled, opening her eyes just in time to see him cross his arms over his chest. Those violet-blue eyes of hers studied him from beneath her lashes. "How is it you wake up early, but never make it to class on time?" she asked, a small smile on her lips.

She didn't even look surprised to find him in her bed still. Teagan stretched lazily, wrapping his hands around the top of the classic wood headboard before he turned on his side to face her directly. "I usually have more interesting things to do in the early morning than attend class, My Lady." He wriggled his brows at her to help get his meaning across.

She wrinkled her pert little nose at him. "You're so gross." But the little gleam in her eye contradicted her words.

"I think you're just saying that cause I haven't offered to do some of those things with you lately," he told her with a straight face.

He wasn't sure how it happened exactly, but in the next instant, Teagan found himself knocked flat on his back, the Ice Queen's fluffy pillow against his face. She had the quick reflexes of a cat.

A simple "no" would have sufficed.

With a mighty growl, Teagan reached up to pull the pillow away and bounced up onto his knees. It took him all of three seconds to catch her as she made a run to get off the bed. With one steady tug, he managed to pull her back into the warm white sheets and braced himself on his arms above her. He grinned down at the frustrated scowl on her face, using the pointer finger of his right hand to brush the hair on her forehead back. "Good morning, Rainy Day."

She huffed, glaring up at him. "Don't call me that."

He quirked an eyebrow. "You prefer Ice Queen then?"

"I prefer my given name," she clarified. Then with a smirk that had the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end, she raised one knee by placing her bare foot flat on the bed, effectively turning the tables on him. Her knee was precariously close to his best friend- thanks to his spread knees on either side of her, and from the look she gave him, she meant to use the fact to her advantage. "Now get off me."

Checkmate. He knew when to cut his losses. With a deep chuckle, amazed that she would dare to threaten his very manhood, Teagan backed off. "Well played, Your Majesty."

Her laugh told him she wasn't the least bit sorry for having pulled such a, forgive the pun, low blow. Teagan had to work at keeping a straight face as he pushed himself up into a sitting position on the large bed.

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