Kayvon's Crushin'

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Kayvon's POV

So, I was at chem lab and convinced Proff. Welty that I could do my lab alone since there were an odd number of kids in the class. So on Monday we were screwing around with sodium and water and I was having a lot of fun. Then, Mr. Welty announced we had a new student. And holy fuck, she was gorgeous. She was looking around for a partner while I announced "I'm single!... I mean, open!" Everyone started laughing but she actually came over and we started messing with sodium. We started chatting, and right before I was going to ask her out, I dropped the whole block down the drain. Sparks were flying everywhere. Once I got it cleared up I asked her, "uhhh sorry about that, I-I was wondering if you wanted to meet me at the bar a few blocks down? My friend gets us free drinks and-and I wanted to know if you know you wanted to come?" "Sure! Why not! I don't live in the general area of this place and almost got lost driving to school. Can you pick me up?" "Absolutely". She gave me her address and number. It was the best day I've had in a while!

Sierra's POV

So I walk into chem lab and meet this goofy guy. He was pretty cute though. He asked me out and I said sure! It's not like I had any plans tonight.

Kayvon's POV

Lucky for me Evan was there last night. Sierra and I were talking all last night. Evan drove us to the house and she spent the night because neither of us were in any shape to drive. I slept like a rock.

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