Meet Us

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Kayvon's POV

If you were wondering, this is my house. It has 4 bedrooms and a pool in the backyard. I had to convince my friends to come out here. What? UofA is a good school! It kind of runs in the family. Everyone loves it out here, it's close to the school, and Delilah constantly stops by to ask us if we're busy on the weekend. It's great. But what do you do when something you thought was love, turns out to be a week long pity date?

Evan's POV

My life is great. I've got a girlfriend and have straight A's all around. I have a part time job playing piano at the bar nearby and get free drinks for my friends. I'm planning something huge and I bet you everyone is gonna love it.

Ian's POV

At first glance, most of you think I'm a stoner. To tell you the truth, I do get high every once in a while. Kayvon tells me to keep stuff like that outta the house. Somethin' about yellow walls. *sigh* Whatever bro.

Hannah's POV

I really don't hate everybody. Most of you are not worth talking to. But I love our little group. I get my work done, most of the time. Movie nights are my favorite. Although I don't have anyone that I can lay down on or snuggle with, but who gives a shit? I sure as hell don't.

Audrey's POV

What do I see in Evan? I've been asking myself this forever. It's something about him. Maybe it's that awkwardness he walks around with, or the fact that he goes crazy when I keep secrets from him. I don't know. It's perfect.

Morgan's POV

People keep askin me if Ian and I have, you know, done it yet. They ask me because they know Evan and Audrey haven't. Ian has asked me over and over if I want to, but I don't think I'm ready yet. I'm getting second thoughts about him and I don't like them.

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