The Breakup

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Summer was coming to a close. It was getting colder and everyone could tell. It was a blustery afternoon when Sierra got a letter in the mail. "Oh my God!" She said.

Sierra had asked to meet Kayvon at her house. ''Hey, what's up?" Kayvon said,

"I got a letter in the mail, I want you to read it." It basically said that she got accepted into Oxford. In England.

"Wow, are you gonna accept it?"

"I think so, and I'm scared about what what that means for us." Kayvon had one thought racing through his mind

"Oh crap..."

Fast forward a few months later.

The gang was back in Tucson and in their Junior year. Morgan and Ian were still dating and so on. Everyone was the same...

Except for Kayvon. He was still pretty depressed but was getting over it. Trey however was the exact opposite.

"Alright guys! It's March! We've got a sad friend, and St. Patty's day is coming up! Delilah knows this crazy club that's throwing a party down in Pheonix! It's gonna be CA RAAAZZYY! Kayvon it's a mandatory yes for you"

"You know what, fine! I'm not even gonna argue. Trey I will be there."

Hannah, Ian, and Morgan also agreed to go. Kayvon was actually looking forward to something for a change.

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