Chapter 47

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Aria's POV


"Aria? ARIA STOP!!" He held me in placed while I was trying my hardest to avoid who was in back of me. "You have to do this or you will never move on..... he will always be in the back of your head when your feeling happy and will try to bring you down for it. You and I both know you are stronger then he is and your going to finally be free!!!"

"I can't I'm not stronger he is...." Tears fell from my eyes in defeat, I will never be stronger than the man that held me captive for 11 years that took away my whole childhood from me!

"Aria! I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. You need to face the person you've been running from your whole life and actually beat him this time, don't back away. I stood up to my father and it's time you stood up to yours." He kissed me on top of my forehead and headed out towards the door. It's just me and him.....

I knew he was staring at me even when I couldn't bare to look in his eyes. His devil, soul sucking eyes. I took a few deep breaths catching my breath gaining my posture ready to say everything.

"I knew that was you." He spoke out suddenly making my eyes meet his. "At the party. You can change your hair or clothes but you could never change those white crystal eyes you have."

"If you knew that was me then why? Why didn't you take me...."

"Because all I needed to know was where you've been and that's it. I didn't need you bitch! All I needed was who and where.... Angelo Salvatore was The Who and the Italian mafia was The Where and that's where I would kill those you associated with. Just like that family." I grabbed my chest in pain remembering what he did to my tutor and her family. "Awwwww did I hurt the sluts feelings ... that's too bad because I meant to kill all of them. And you thought you could just what? Capture me and torture me for fun, thinking that will satisfy you so you could move on. Please, you could never move on from me aria I will always be right there waiting for something happy to happen and destroy everything that makes it." I couldn't take it I was losing control, I felt this overwhelming feeling to just leave and deal with everything myself until he said, "you could never keep your son safe because I will get to him also."

That's when all those feelings of anxiety, worry, depression, sadness went away and turned into anger, rage, fury! My tears were long gone and my face was piping hot ready to explode, I walked up to him keep a few feet from the chains he had. I was close to his face not saying word letting my face relax and emotions trying not to let him win.

"You don't know me." He seemed confused at my words. "Mitchell you don't know this aria, you don't know who I am or how I got to where I am now. But let me tell you one thing .... it's all because of you!! YOU HELD ME CAPTIVE FOR 11 YEARS AND STOLE MY WHOLE CHILDHOOD FROM RIGHT UNDER AND I CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT BUT SAY THANK YOU!!! Because of you I was taken by the Italian mafia and met a lot of great people that I will love forever. Because of you I had a baby and met the love of my life and now I'm getting married to him." He grunting at my response pulling on his chains to get to me, he didn't want that to be my life. All he ever wanted was for me to feel agonizing pain forever. "I'm sorry but because of you I'm living my life .... finally with the people who love me, for me!" I began walking away feeling like I won, feeling like I was at my happiest!

"You know you can hide back your true feelings about me bitch .... but that doesn't mean I won't get out of here and do the same damn thing to your son and any future children. Oh and Angelo huh he would make a great target practice."

"SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" I faced him not breaking eye contact looking at his ugly smirking grin.

"Are you getting mad!! Good it shows your true feelings. What were your true feelings when I ordered a hit on Maria!" My eyes froze open at his words. "Or how about when I gave AJ to Enzo to torture and kill right in front of you ..."

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