Chapter 3: Unspoken Red Tension

Start from the beginning

'To answer your first question, Alpha, the Clemontes have been hiding their identities from their daughter. They sent her away to Chicago when she was twelve to live with a distant relative,' Carson started.

And when Cal didn't say anything, Carson took it as a sign to continue.

'I just found out about her arrival a few days ago. She's not aware of our presence. What we are and the things our species are more than capable of inflicting. Brooke believes she's human. There's nothing we can do unless Alpha Gerard decides to-"

'Ah ah ah Beta Carson,' Cal's calculating eyes stopped at his beta which made him look down at his feet in mere seconds. 'Gamma Theodore,' the same thing happened to Theo as he too, lowered his eyes instinctively. 'How can both of you understand this situation like the back of your hand when you're not part of the Clemonte bloodline yourselves hmm? Which one of you would have the honor to enlighten me?'

A sinister smirk was tugging on the corner of his lips. He caught them off guard, similar to a cat that pounced on a mouse.

"Alpha Callahan," a familiar voice saved those two men from a certain Alpha's wrath.

Cal didn't need to turn around to see the owner of the voice. He knew exactly who it belonged to.

"Luna Astrid," his devilish smirk instantly switched into a smug half smile. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Mind if I have a word?" Her eyes shot them a pointed look. "Alone?"


Brooke's POV

Our assigned cabin was one of the furthest from the main lodge. Dad asked for privacy, so they granted his wish.

"Why do I have to come? Ugh- it's not fair," I slumped into the airy white couch. "Kassion gets to stay, so why can't I?"

Kassion Clemonte was my older brother. Yes, he was the best brother anyone could've asked for, but all brothers were dickheads at one point.

"He's busy with . . . Work and you know that. He's learning to continue my position as an executive of the company," dad replied. Examining some furnitures that served a rustic touch for our temporary abode.

"Look, honey," he gingerly sat on another couch right across mine. "These days are dangerous. We're sorry for keeping all this from you- but I promise, we'll tell you everything soon."

"Tell me what, dad? Ever since I got back here, you and mom are speaking in riddles. Guess what? I'm not Batman. You're not the Riddler — and my brain can't comprehend riddles."

He went silent. Probably in a loss of words.

Deciding to end this conversation, I grabbed my handbag and headed outside. Alex texted the location of their cabin. It was the next cabin on our right. Around half a mile from here. Honestly, the condition wasn't that much of a difference from Montana. We were practically in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by thick forests. A single forest trail served as a guide for every cabin included in the property.

As I was walking, my ears heard laughter coming from up front. Curious, I fasten my pace to see who it was. There were two gingers walking towards my direction. A guy and a girl. The guy looked strangely familiar.

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