Ch.8// Close Call

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Warning: Slight Lemon

When you're broken on the ground,
You will be found.
I slammed my laptop shut.
Tears brimmed my eyes, and I sniffled.
That video was beautiful, I feel like there are so many people like in our lives.

There was a knocking at my door.
"Hey, what's-" Rich walked in and froze.
"What'th wrong, why are you crying?"
His tone changed in a split second and he sat down beside me on my bed, wrapping his arms around me.
I sniffed and smiled.
"Nothing, just this really nice video. That kid, Evan Hansen? He's such a good speaker."

Rich sighed and smiled too.
"Oh yah, I saw him. He was... weirdly accurate."
He continued to hold me, rocking back in forth while my eyes dried. I held onto his arms and laid my head on his shoulder.
"You're sweet." I said.

He chuckled lightly and kissed the top of my head.
"You're sweeter." He kissed my lips.
I giggled and kissed back, running my fingers through his hair.
"Maybe you're right." I said, in between breaths.

He laughed and fell on top of me, moving down to my neck.
I giggled and held his hair tighter as he kissed my collarbone.
He locked eyes with me and tore his tank top off, throwing it on the floor.
My face heated up and I traced his stomach with my finger. He held my cheek with his palm and kissed my forehead.
"You thure you-"

"Hey Y/N have you seen Rich anywhere?"
Jake yelled screamed from outside my door.
I froze, staring at Rich with wide eyes.
He jumped off of me and I sat up, flailing my arms in panic.

Rich looked around the room.
"Uh- No I haven't seen him!" I yelled, shrugging.
We were yelling at each other in silence, so I shoved him in my closet, shutting it.

A couple seconds later Jake walked in, glancing around.
"I can't seem to find him anywhere."
I tried so hard to not scream, or laugh.
"Weird. Did you check his room?"

He rolled his eyes.
"I gee, I didn't think to look there!" He stared, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
"Why are you looking for him?" I asked plopping down on my mattress.
He checked his phone.

"I was going to see if he wanted to go see a movie with me, but I think I'll just go with Jeremy or something." He sighed.
He kissed me on the forehead and headed out my door.

The second the I heard the door close downstairs, I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding.
"That was a close one." I said, mostly to myself.
I went and opened my closet, and Rich had on one of my sweaters that was way too
A. Big
B. Small
on him.

"What are you doing?" I giggled.
He shrugged and smiled.
"It's soft." He snuggled into it.
"Why don't I have any of your sweaters?" I asked.
He shrugged.
"I don't have any."

He stepped out of the closet and I gasped.
"You don't have any sweaters?! Please dear god take one of mine."
He pecked my lips.


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