Ch.4// Don't Let Go

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I sat at lunch, staring at Rich. He chatted with Chloe and my eyes shot daggers.
I tried best I could to look normal, but it was hard. I decided the only way to move on would be to go with someone else.
If he didn't like me I needed to move on. Let him go, be the bigger person.

I was hanging out with Michael, talking about the dance.
"I don't know, I think it's kinda lame. And expensive." I shrugged.
He smiled and nodded.
"I know right! It's stupid."
Yah, he was pretty cool.

He waved to me and headed off to his car.
He was a cool guy, nice, smart, a sight for sore eyes. Plus he had an impressive video game collection.
I think I might ask him out. I did like him.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and by now knew who it was.
"Hey Jake." I spun around.
He smiled, and tossed my hair with his finger.
"What's got you all star-eyes sis?" He questioned.
He looked in the direction I was staring and saw Michael. He frowned.
"Mell? You like him?" He muttered.

I crossed my arms.
"What's wrong with Michael?" I questioned.
"He's..." He stuttered, spacing out.
"There's nothing wrong with Michael. You just don't want me going out with any guy."
He raised his eyebrows angrily.
"Are you going out with him?!" He held my shoulders and leaned down, staring me in the face.
"Why wouldn't you tell me that? Why would you-"

"No, no you doofus. We're not going out. But, I might... ask him."
Jake grumbled and grabbed my am, dragging me to the car.
"Nope! Uh-uh! Absolutely not. You may not ask that boy out Y/N."
He spoke very fatherly.
I laughed. "You're such a dad." I smiled, hopping in the car.
"Well one of us had to be, and I'd hate for it to be you."

*time skip*

Rich's POV
Jake and I were sitting in the living room, chatting, when Y/N came rushing down the stairs. She looked so pretty, cleaned up a bit.
I admired her for a minute before she rushed out the front door.

"Where's she off to?" I asked Jake.
I couldn't wait to ask her to the Prom.
"Ugh, probably going out with that Mell guy. I can't stand him." He muttered.
Wait... what?
"She'th... what?"

He scoffed.
"Get this. She told me earlier today, she was going to ask out Mell. I can't believe it."
I sat, internally panicking. She can't. That can't happen. I was too close.
I jumped out of my seat and ran to the front door. I heard Jake yelling behind me.
"Wait, bro where are you going?"

I ran outside and saw Y/N walking down the sidewalk.
"Y/N! Wait!" I yelled.
She whipped around. I couldn't let her ask him out. I had to beat him to it.
"What's up?" She huffed.
I stared at her, unsure what to say.
My mouth couldn't form words.
Instead I leaned in and held her arms.
A bright red bloomed across her face. She looked beautiful.

I leaned in, connecting our lips, and it was pure bliss. Everything I've wanted for so long.
I couldn't believe it. I was here, kissing Y/N freaking Dillinger. Dreams are coming true-
"RICH!!" I heard behind me.

Y/N pushed me away and she was beet red.
I almost smiled at the sight, but turned around and Jake was standing in the doorway, furious.
"Get the hell away from my sister." He muttered.


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