Chapter Four

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          Picture of Jack on the side ---> 


          “Get back, Sloane!” he calls, moving quickly towards his blue pickup truck. “Just go back in the house and go back to bed!”

            “Dad,” I whimper, slowly walking down the front steps. The bricks on the walkway feel cold on my feet but that and the fact that I’m in my pajamas are the last thing on my mind. “Don’t leave us! Don’t leave me!”

            Tears are rushing down my cheeks and I’ve never felt this upset before. I feel like I’ll never stop crying; like my heart is breaking in my chest. And maybe it is, because it actually hurts. It feels tight and throbbing, like my heart really is broken.

            “You don’t understand, sweetheart,” he whispers, his eyes sad as he gets inside his truck. “I have to do this. If you knew, if you only knew…”

            I start sprinting towards him as he slams the driver’s door. My palms hit the glass with a thump and I start banging my fists on it, trying to stop him from leaving me. His eyes barely glance my way as he struggles to fit the key into the ignition, too overcome with what’s going on beside him.

            “Dad, no! Please, Dad! Just stay and I’ll be good, I’ll do whatever you want, I swear!” I beg. He doesn’t say anything; doesn’t roll down the window. As soon as the truck roars to life, he rips backwards out of the driveway and I collapse on the pavement. “Dad, no,” I cry, my hands covering my mouth in disbelief.

            He doesn’t even look at me as he drives off. It’s the last time I’ll ever see him.

            “Sloane,” someone whispers. I feel something moving me by my shoulder and I groan. It hurts, my whole body hurts. “Come on, get up.”

            My eyes blink open and I come face to face with Jagger. He’s crouching in front of me, leaning down so he can be my level. Once I’m awake, he doesn’t let go of my shoulder but rather holds it tighter.

            I look around, my neck hurting with the movement. I’m in the gym, leaning on the wall. I must have fallen asleep.

            “What’s going on?” I ask groggily. I rub my eyes and feel my bandage on the bottom of my forehead. “Where’s Bullet?”

            As if to tell me, a whimper sounds from a few feet away and I’m reassured.

            “Let’s get you to bed,” Jagger says, reaching for my hand.

            “We’re in a school, there are no beds,” I mumble, my eyes fluttering closed. “And I’m okay riiiight here.”

            “How many Tylenol’s did you give her, Jack?” I hear Jagger ask, but I’m already drifting off, the sound of their voices making me more tired.

            “I don’t know,” Jack responds. “Four? Five? I don’t know.”

            I hear someone sigh and then there’s a small smacking sound. Jack grumbles something about Jagger being an idiot before I feel arms wrap around me.

            “You’re only supposed to give her two max.” The arms lift me up and suddenly I’m in the air. I move my head against their soft chest and nuzzle my left cheek into their warmth. They smell like home, wherever that may be.

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