Chapter Ten

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          I’m scared to move my eyes away from the zombie lying dead on the ground. Its vacant eyes stare up at the ceiling as its hands slowly loosen. I watch as they quickly let go of Cole’s ankle and fall limply to the ground, creating a thump that’s the only sound in the gas station.

            If Cole’s bitten, that means two of us are dead. Unfortunately, I’m not glad to have the company.

            “Cole,” Emily breathes. Her eyes are as wide as gold balls. I expected Jagger to be the first one to speak but his face is cold; hard. He’s staring directly at Cole and he’s looking right back, almost as if they’re speaking telepathically. It isn’t until Emily rushes forward, her hands grasping for Cole that their gaze finally breaks.

            She wraps him in her arms, tears streaming down her cheeks. It takes Cole a moment to recognize what’s going on before his arms stiffly wrap around Emily, but his gaze stays hardened.

            I hear Jack throw up for the second time behind me as Emily finally pulls away. “Your ankle…?”

            Finally daring to look, I realize that there isn’t any blood. In fact, Cole’s jeans look completely fine, other than the slight rip where the zombie tried to bite him.

            “I think I’m okay.” Cole doesn’t sound like he can believe his own words. “I thought he bit me but he didn’t break through…” He trails off, shaking his head in confusion.

            “Don’t question it,” Jagger practically snaps. Finally he brushes past me, not daring a glance in my direction. “Just be happy you’re okay and don’t be such a jackass next time.”

            Cole doesn’t say anything as everyone else other than me scouts the gas station. He doesn’t meet my eyes when he finally turns away and steps outside into the fading daylight.

            For a few hours I’m alone, sitting by myself in the storage room in the back as afternoon turns into night. I can’t deal with Cole’s strange silence and Emily crooning over him and I’m in no state to be answering Jack’s constant questions.

            My hair falls to the left as I lean, trying to see out of the small crack in the doorway. When everyone is seated together, talking quietly, I decide to rewrap my ankle. All day I’ve been planning my escape so that everyone can be safe, but it’s like Jagger is anticipating it. Every time I come up with a plan he’s there, standing in the doorway.

            I reveal my ankle, trying not to gag at the sickening sight. I only see it for a moment before it starts to blur and then everything turns dark.

            A man in a dark suit is pacing an alley, smoking a cigarette as if he’s waiting. I can’t see his face; only his sunglasses that seem unnecessary to wear at night. Quickly he pauses, whipping around at a noise I didn’t hear.

            Another man walks towards him, a briefcase swinging against his gait. He’s also in dark clothes and continues to keep his head down.

            “Do you have the money?” The new man asks. His voice is harsh, like he’s losing it.

            The man in the suit nods before reaching into his jacket, his fingers searching for something. When he grabs it, he pulls his hand out to reveal a wad of cash.

            “That’s not enough,” the briefcase man says angrily. He starts to back away, ready to sprint when the man in the suit reaches into his jacket. His hand retrieves a slick, metal pistol and he points it at the escaping man in record timing.

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