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According to basically everyone I know, the devil is incapable of love. Tough shit.

It's not my fault I got killed and sent to hell but it's actually quite cool down here.  Well, not cool exactly because it's scorching hot, but you know what I mean. Being quite gothic myself, I love the lava waterfalls and all that. But there's more; the devil - lucifer - is HOT AS HELL, and I don't mean literally. He has midnight black hair with a ravens feather braided in and oh his muscles! He is gorgeous. Too bad he is "incapable of love". Also too bad (for him) that I'm a persistent little shit and don't care about what anyone else says.

I mean, I'm not the ugliest person you've ever seen either. I've ginger hair, cut short and shaved on one side with a single black streak. I'm slightly tanned and I'm quite strong. Perfect match I'd say.

When I first saw him, my heart like skipped a beat - if my heart beat anymore, that is. He came around to where I stayed to welcome me into hell.  It all sounds so formal and posh is what I think. But I don't understand how he doesn't have half the population chasing after him. Anyways, after he left I scouted the area for any way of getting into his lair. Not my fault. I was just interested. Interested in getting him, that is.

So that's how I ended up clinging on to the wall of this giant castle that lucifer hides in all day and night, when along comes a raven and those bloody bastards can't keep their mouths shut. He flies off cawing and screeching bloody murder. Not the best starts but hey ho. When I finally got to the top I somehow managed to stumble across his bedroom - which to be honest, I wouldn't mind sharing with him. I was huge! The sheets were silk and black and huge drapes hung from the ceiling. I couldn't resist the urge to go over to the bed and when I reached it the matress sunk to fit my form.

That was where he found me. Stretched out on his bed looking like a fool. Great start. Again.
"What the fuck are you doing in here?" He looked at me like a freak. I was never going to have a chance with him now.
"I said w-"
"I KNOW what you said" I blurted out, unable to control my own sassy attitude.
"Then why don't you answer me?" He said this in such a calm voice I practically melted at the sound of it. There was something missing from it though. There was no trace of emotion in it whatsoever. This task deemed much harder than I expected now I was here.
"Well, I," I began, "I thought I'd pay you a visit" I tried to look as flirtatious as I could, though in hindsight I think I went a little over the top, "I got a little lost on the way. Do you think you could get me a map.."
"Well no we don't have maps-"
"To your heart"
I winked at him and fluttered my eyeleashes. It was cringey but if I was going to do this cringey would have to do.
I expected some sort of reaction but he merely asked me to leave and walked out.
I ran after him, "hey, sorry about that, I got a bit lost for words, you're, you're gorgeous. I mean -uh- it's just that..."
"It's just what?"
"Its just that I -uhm- got a bit lost...." a smirk crept on my face as I faced him and rested my hands on his waist,"I got lost on your eyes"
He looked at me in utter shock, and turned away quickly. I'm pretty sure he smiled though. Though, that could also just be my wild imagination. Either way I'd say he likes me.
"Love you too!" I called after him.


I can't really talk much about what went on without him, it's all pretty same old same old. Unlike what most people think, we don't really do much down here, we all just wander round, bored as hell.

When we die and go to either place, we get to take one thing with us - it can't be living - and that will stay with us forever, it's a bit shit because only being able to draw tends to get boring but, being the super smooth, super sexy devil I am, I managed to get the guards to get me a ukulele and a bottle of vodka. I mean, I would die without alcohol,  if I could die, that is.

Days past and I began to loose hope of ever seeing his gorgeous sculpted abs again. That is, until I received a letter adressed to the one and only Rixon Stargate (that's me, by the way). It read:

To Master Rixon Stargate,
I was intrigued by your actions 3 days ago and thought to ask you to dine with me tonight, whenever possible. I understand that my actions showed hostility and I would like to make it up to you. I hope to see you tonight,
Sir Lucifer Diabolous.

Well, Sir Lucifer Diabolous, of course I will join you, you sexy thing. I was so thrilled. Perhaps we would move on from eating and have the main attraction in bed. Or I might have to cover a hickey with makeup. I shouldn't really have thought that far into it but it matters not, as he would say. I'm going on a fucking date with Lucifer!


The funny thing about hell is that you can wear whatever you want, it's quite luxurious really.

So there I was staring at the gorgeous devil that stood before me. It was a good mirror, to be able to catch all my curves and chiseled chin and strong cheekbones. My all-black suit glistened sexily in the dim light.

Three strong knocks echoed behind me. I turned round and came face to face with a strong, muscular, tanned chest. Without thinking I slipped my hands onto his waist. He flinched but made no move to stop me.
"Nice suit" he commented with a smirk.
I couldn't help it..
"If you don't want it I can take it of.." I gestured towards my suit with a smirk of my own.
I hadn't expected a similar gesture but as I looked up to see his reaction, he place a palm on my cheek and whispered smoothly into my ear, "That's what my room's for" and with a  wink he left the room.

Rushing to catch up, I marvelled at the fact that I might have possibly caught his interest. Maybe.


I had only explored a tiny part of the castle before and the parts I had seen were fucking amazing. I expected no less from everywhere else but as the massive doors to the dining hall swept open, I was silenced by the sheer beauty of it all. Black marble flooring and tables, black velvet curtains and drapes and chair seats. It was graceful and masculine. It was perfect.

We sat at the end of his sleek table and with a wave of his hand, mountains upon mountains of food appeared. From salmon en croúte to profiteroles the finest food was stacked in heaps glistening deliciously. My stomach gurgled greedily. Lucifer looked at me funnily as I eyed the sausage rolls.

"What are you waiting for? Dig in!"
I didn't need anymore persuasion then that. On hindsight, I may have seemed a little OTT but that doesn't phase me in the slightest.

For ages I didn't realise he had been looking at me. I looked up from my steamed sushi to see him gazing across the table at me. I smiled goofily.
"What?" I said, my words were muffled due to the sushi stuffed in my mouth.
"Oh nothing" he replied but he didn't cease to stare at me through the fringe of his way black hair. A silence hung in the air - though it wasn't awkward, it seemed almost comforting to me.

I finished my mouthful and crossed the table to his side. He looked up at me as he pushed me back towards the table, closing the distance between our lips. As soon as he touched me, fireworks went of in my mind. Electricity flooded into me as he slipped his hand to the back of my neck, cupping the back of my head. He ran his tongue across my bottom lip and deepened our kiss. My mind numbed and ecstasy flooded my thoughts. He was all I could focus on.

We broke off, gasping for air. That smile, that perfect smile stayed plastered on his face. I had never felt so good. I told you. I fucking told you.

Devil One-ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang